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11904989  (

Okamoto, Chantangsi, Horák, Leander & Keeling, 2009


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  1. Phylum Cryptista
  2. Phylum Haptophyta
  3. Phylum Heliozoa
  4. Order Microhelida
  5. Phylum Telonemia
  6. Phylum Cryptophyta accepted as Cryptista (No longer treated as separate phylum in Ruggiero et al. (2015))
  7. Class Kinetomonadea accepted as Endohelea (Class no longer recognised, members dispersed into Endohelea and elsewhere)
marine, brackish, fresh
recent + fossil
Okamoto, N.; Chantangsi, C.; Horák, A.; Leander, B. S.; Keeling, P. J. (2009). Molecular phylogeny and description of the novel katablepharid Roombia truncata gen. et sp. nov., and establishment of the Hacrobia taxon nov. <em>PLoS ONE.</em> 4(9): e7080., available online at [details] 
Taxonomic remark Initial scope of Hacrobia defined by Okamoto et al., 2009 as follows: "Katablepharids and cryptophytes are together part of...  
Taxonomic remark Initial scope of Hacrobia defined by Okamoto et al., 2009 as follows: "Katablepharids and cryptophytes are together part of a larger, more inclusive, group [i.e., Hacrobia] that also contains haptophytes, telonemids, centrohelids and perhaps biliphytes". Cavalier-Smith (to 2018) maintains the supposed phylogenetic relationship of cryptomonads and haptophytes as subkingdom Hacrobia in kingdom Chromista, however according to Strassert et al., 2021 and others, while haptophytes are related to the "SAR" group (the core of Cavalier-Smith's Chromista), cryptophytes are not and group more closely with Archaeplastida i.e. land plants, rhodophytes and glaucophytes. [details]
IRMNG (2024). Hacrobia. Accessed at: on 2025-01-25
2017-03-14 18:41:53Z

original description Okamoto, N.; Chantangsi, C.; Horák, A.; Leander, B. S.; Keeling, P. J. (2009). Molecular phylogeny and description of the novel katablepharid Roombia truncata gen. et sp. nov., and establishment of the Hacrobia taxon nov. <em>PLoS ONE.</em> 4(9): e7080., available online at [details] 

additional source Cavalier-Smith, T. (2018). Kingdom Chromista and its eight phyla: a new synthesis emphasising periplastid protein targeting, cytoskeletal and periplastid evolution, and ancient divergences. <em>Protoplasma.</em> 255(1): 297-357 [2017]., available online at
note: maintains Cryptista within Hacrobia (in Chromista), however see e.g. Strassert et al., 2021 for an opposing view [details] 

additional source Strassert, J. F. H.; Irisarri, I.; Williams, T. A.; Burki, F. (2021). A molecular timescale for eukaryote evolution with implications for the origin of red algal-derived plastids. <em>Nature Communications.</em> 12: 1879., available online at
note: places Cryptista outside this group, refer note [details] 

additional source Burki, F.; Kaplan, M.; Tikhonenkov, D. V.; Zlatogursky, V.; Minh, B. Q.; Radaykina, L. V.; Smirnov, A.; Mylnikov, A. P.; Keeling, P. J. (2016). Untangling the early diversification of eukaryotes: a phylogenomic study of the evolutionary origins of Centrohelida, Haptophyta and Cryptista. <em>Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.</em> 283(1823): 20152802., available online at
note: places Cryptophyta close to Archaeplastida, away from Chromista/Haptophyta [details] 

current name source Ruggiero, M. A.; Gordon, D. P.; Orrell, T. M.; Bailly, N.; Bourgoin, T.; Brusca, R. C.; Cavalier-Smith, T.; Guiry, M. D.; Kirk, P. M. (2015). A higher level classification of all living organisms. <em>PLOS ONE.</em> 10(4): e0119248., available online at [details] 
Taxonomic remark Initial scope of Hacrobia defined by Okamoto et al., 2009 as follows: "Katablepharids and cryptophytes are together part of a larger, more inclusive, group [i.e., Hacrobia] that also contains haptophytes, telonemids, centrohelids and perhaps biliphytes". Cavalier-Smith (to 2018) maintains the supposed phylogenetic relationship of cryptomonads and haptophytes as subkingdom Hacrobia in kingdom Chromista, however according to Strassert et al., 2021 and others, while haptophytes are related to the "SAR" group (the core of Cavalier-Smith's Chromista), cryptophytes are not and group more closely with Archaeplastida i.e. land plants, rhodophytes and glaucophytes. [details]

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