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Pheidole Westwood, 1840

1019340  (

Phidola Schulz, 1906 · unaccepted
Phidole Bingham, 1903 · unaccepted


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  1. Species Pheidole aana Wilson & Taylor, 1967
  2. Species Pheidole aberrans Mayr, 1868
  3. Species Pheidole absurda Forel, 1886
  4. Species Pheidole accinota Wheeler, 1925
  5. Species Pheidole acutidens (Santschi, 1922)
  6. Species Pheidole adrianoi Naves, 1985
  7. Species Pheidole aeberlii Forel, 1894
  8. Species Pheidole aequiseta Santschi, 1923
  9. Species Pheidole agilis (Smith, 1857)
  10. Species Pheidole aglae Forel, 1913
  11. Species Pheidole ajax Forel, 1899
  12. Species Pheidole akermani Arnold, 1920
  13. Species Pheidole albidula Santschi, 1928
  14. Species Pheidole alfaroi Emery, 1896
  15. Species Pheidole allani Bingham, 1903
  16. Species Pheidole amata Forel, 1901
  17. Species Pheidole amber Donisthorpe, 1941
  18. Species Pheidole ambonensis Karavaiev, 1930
  19. Species Pheidole amia Forel, 1912
  20. Species Pheidole ampla Forel, 1893
  21. Species Pheidole amplificata Viehmeyer, 1914
  22. Species Pheidole anastasii Emery, 1896
  23. Species Pheidole andrieui Santschi, 1930
  24. Species Pheidole androsana Wheeler, 1905
  25. Species Pheidole angusta Forel, 1908
  26. Species Pheidole annemariae Forel, 1918
  27. Species Pheidole anthracina Forel, 1902
  28. Species Pheidole aper Forel, 1912
  29. Species Pheidole arcifera Santschi, 1925
  30. Species Pheidole arciruga Forel, 1908
  31. Species Pheidole areniphila Forel, 1910
  32. Species Pheidole argentina (Bruch, 1932)
  33. Species Pheidole arhuaca Forel, 1901
  34. Species Pheidole aristotelis Forel, 1911
  35. Species Pheidole arnoldi Forel, 1913
  36. Species Pheidole aspera Mayr, 1862
  37. Species Pheidole asperata Emery, 1895
  38. Species Pheidole athertonensis Forel, 1915
  39. Species Pheidole attila Forel, 1913
  40. Species Pheidole atua Wilson & Taylor, 1967
  41. Species Pheidole aurivillii Mayr, 1896
  42. Species Pheidole auropilosa Mayr, 1887
  43. Species Pheidole bahai (Forel, 1922)
  44. Species Pheidole balzani Emery, 1894
  45. Species Pheidole bambusarum Forel, 1908
  46. Species Pheidole barbata Wheeler, 1908
  47. Species Pheidole barreleti Forel, 1903
  48. Species Pheidole barumtaun Donisthorpe, 1938
  49. Species Pheidole beauforti Emery, 1911
  50. Species Pheidole belli Mann, 1919
  51. Species Pheidole bequaerti Forel, 1913
  52. Species Pheidole bergi Mayr, 1887
  53. Species Pheidole bessonii Forel, 1891
  54. Species Pheidole bhavanae Bingham, 1903
  55. Species Pheidole bicarinata Mayr, 1870
  56. Species Pheidole biconstricta Mayr, 1870
  57. Species Pheidole bicornis Forel, 1899
  58. Species Pheidole bifurca Donisthorpe, 1941
  59. Species Pheidole bilimeki Mayr, 1870
  60. Species Pheidole biloba (Karavaiev, 1935)
  61. Species Pheidole binghamii Forel, 1902
  62. Species Pheidole biolleyi Forel, 1908
  63. Species Pheidole blumenauensis Kempf, 1964
  64. Species Pheidole bluntschlii Forel, 1911
  65. Species Pheidole borgmeieri Kempf, 1972
  66. Species Pheidole bos Forel, 1893
  67. Species Pheidole braueri Forel, 1897
  68. Species Pheidole brevicona Mayr, 1887
  69. Species Pheidole brevicornis Mayr, 1876
  70. Species Pheidole breviseta Santschi, 1919
  71. Species Pheidole bruchi Forel, 1914
  72. Species Pheidole buchholzi Mayr, 1901
  73. Species Pheidole buckleyi Smith, 1951
  74. Species Pheidole bucolica Santschi, 1929
  75. Species Pheidole bugi Wheeler, 1919
  76. Species Pheidole butteli Forel, 1913
  77. Species Pheidole caffra Emery, 1895
  78. Species Pheidole cairnsiana Forel, 1902
  79. Species Pheidole caldwelli Mann, 1921
  80. Species Pheidole calens Forel, 1901
  81. Species Pheidole californica Mayr, 1870
  82. Species Pheidole cameroni Mayr, 1887
  83. Species Pheidole camptostela Kempf, 1972
  84. Species Pheidole capellinii Emery, 1887
  85. Species Pheidole capensis Mayr, 1862
  86. Species Pheidole carapuna Mann, 1916
  87. Species Pheidole carapunco Kusnezov, 1952
  88. Species Pheidole caribbaea Wheeler, 1911
  89. Species Pheidole carrolli Naves, 1985
  90. Species Pheidole casta Wheeler, 1908
  91. Species Pheidole castanea (Smith, 1858)
  92. Species Pheidole cataractae Wheeler, 1916
  93. Species Pheidole cavifrons Emery, 1906
  94. Species Pheidole centeotl Wheeler, 1914
  95. Species Pheidole cephalica Smith, 1858
  96. Species Pheidole cerebrosior Wheeler, 1915
  97. Species Pheidole ceres Wheeler, 1904
  98. Species Pheidole cervicornis Emery, 1900
  99. Species Pheidole ceylonica (Motschoulsky, 1863)
  100. Species Pheidole chalca Wheeler, 1914
  101. Species Pheidole championi Forel, 1899
  102. Species Pheidole cheesmannae Donisthorpe, 1941
  103. Species Pheidole chilensis Mayr, 1862
  104. Species Pheidole christopherseni Forel, 1912
  105. Species Pheidole cingulata (Smith, 1857)
  106. Species Pheidole clavata (Emery, 1877)
  107. Species Pheidole claviscapa Santschi, 1925
  108. Species Pheidole clementensis Gregg, 1969
  109. Species Pheidole clydei Gregg, 1950
  110. Species Pheidole cocciphaga Borgmeier, 1934
  111. Species Pheidole cockerelli Wheeler, 1908
  112. Species Pheidole coffeicola Borgmeier, 1934
  113. Species Pheidole colaensis Mann, 1921
  114. Species Pheidole colobopsis Mann, 1916
  115. Species Pheidole comata Smith, 1858
  116. Species Pheidole concentrica Forel, 1902
  117. Species Pheidole concinna Santschi, 1910
  118. Species Pheidole conficta Forel, 1902
  119. Species Pheidole confoedusta Wheeler, 1909
  120. Species Pheidole constanciae Forel, 1902
  121. Species Pheidole constipata Wheeler, 1908
  122. Species Pheidole cordata (Holl, 1829)
  123. Species Pheidole cordiceps Mayr, 1868
  124. Species Pheidole corticicola Santschi, 1910
  125. Species Pheidole cramptoni Wheeler, 1916
  126. Species Pheidole crassicornis Emery, 1895
  127. Species Pheidole crassinoda Emery, 1895
  128. Species Pheidole crassipes Mayr, 1887
  129. Species Pheidole creightoni Gregg, 1955
  130. Species Pheidole cryptocera Emery, 1900
  131. Species Pheidole cubaensis Mayr, 1862
  132. Species Pheidole cuitensis Forel, 1910
  133. Species Pheidole dammermani Wheeler, 1924
  134. Species Pheidole darlingtoni Wheeler, 1936
  135. Species Pheidole davisi Wheeler, 1905
  136. Species Pheidole dea Santschi, 1921
  137. Species Pheidole decarinata Santschi, 1929
  138. Species Pheidole decem Forel, 1901
  139. Species Pheidole deceptrix Forel, 1899
  140. Species Pheidole defecta Santschi, 1923
  141. Species Pheidole delecta Forel, 1899
  142. Species Pheidole dentata Mayr, 1886
  143. Species Pheidole dentigula Smith, 1927
  144. Species Pheidole descolei Kusnezov, 1952
  145. Species Pheidole deserticola Forel, 1910
  146. Species Pheidole desertorum Wheeler, 1906
  147. Species Pheidole diana Forel, 1908
  148. Species Pheidole diffidens (Walker, 1859)
  149. Species Pheidole diffusa (Jerdon, 1851)
  150. Species Pheidole diligens (Smith, 1858)
  151. Species Pheidole dimidiata Emery, 1894
  152. Species Pheidole distincta Donisthorpe, 1943
  153. Species Pheidole distorta Forel, 1899
  154. Species Pheidole diversipilosa Wheeler, 1908
  155. Species Pheidole dugasi Forel, 1911
  156. Species Pheidole dwyeri Gregg, 1969
  157. Species Pheidole dyctiota Kempf, 1972
  158. Species Pheidole eidmanni Menozzi, 1926
  159. Species Pheidole elecebra (Wheeler, 1904)
  160. Species Pheidole elegans Donisthorpe, 1938
  161. Species Pheidole elisae Emery, 1900
  162. Species Pheidole embolopyx Brown, 1968
  163. Species Pheidole emersoni Wheeler, 1922
  164. Species Pheidole emmae Forel, 1905
  165. Species Pheidole ensifera Forel, 1897
  166. Species Pheidole erato Mann, 1919
  167. Species Pheidole ernsti Forel, 1912
  168. Species Pheidole escherichii Forel, 1910
  169. Species Pheidole exarata Emery, 1896
  170. Species Pheidole exasperata (Mayr, 1866)
  171. Species Pheidole excellens Mayr, 1862
  172. Species Pheidole fabricator (Smith, 1858)
  173. Species Pheidole fallax Mayr, 1870
  174. Species Pheidole fantasia Chapman, 1963
  175. Species Pheidole fatigata Bolton, 1995
  176. Species Pheidole feae Emery, 1895
  177. Species Pheidole fergusoni Forel, 1902
  178. Species Pheidole fervens Smith, 1858
  179. Species Pheidole fervida Smith, 1874
  180. Species Pheidole fimbriata Roger, 1863
  181. Species Pheidole fiorii Emery, 1890
  182. Species Pheidole flavens Roger, 1863
  183. Species Pheidole flavida Mayr, 1887
  184. Species Pheidole flavothoracica Viehmeyer, 1914
  185. Species Pheidole floridana Emery, 1895
  186. Species Pheidole foreli Mayr, 1901
  187. Species Pheidole funkikoensis Wheeler, 1929
  188. Species Pheidole fuscula Emery, 1900
  189. Species Pheidole gaigei Forel, 1914
  190. Species Pheidole gambogia Donisthorpe, 1948
  191. Species Pheidole gatesi (Wheeler, 1927)
  192. Species Pheidole gauthieri Forel, 1901
  193. Species Pheidole gavrilovi Kusnezov, 1952
  194. Species Pheidole gellibrandi Clark, 1934
  195. Species Pheidole gertrudae Forel, 1886
  196. Species Pheidole ghatica Forel, 1902
  197. Species Pheidole ghigii Emery, 1900
  198. Species Pheidole gibba Mayr, 1887
  199. Species Pheidole gigliolii Menozzi, 1935
  200. Species Pheidole gilvescens Creighton & Gregg, 1955
  201. Species Pheidole godmani Forel, 1893
  202. Species Pheidole goeldii Forel, 1896
  203. Species Pheidole gouldi Forel, 1886
  204. Species Pheidole gracilescens (Smith, 1860)
  205. Species Pheidole gracilipes (Motschoulsky, 1863)
  206. Species Pheidole grallatrix Emery, 1899
  207. Species Pheidole granulata Pergande, 1896
  208. Species Pheidole grayi Forel, 1902
  209. Species Pheidole greggi Naves, 1985
  210. Species Pheidole grundmanni Smith, 1953
  211. Species Pheidole guilelmimuelleri Forel, 1886
  212. Species Pheidole guineensis (Fabricius, 1793)
  213. Species Pheidole hartmeyeri Forel, 1907
  214. Species Pheidole havilandi Forel, 1911
  215. Species Pheidole haywardi Kusnezov, 1952
  216. Species Pheidole hecate Wheeler, 1911
  217. Species Pheidole hercules Donisthorpe, 1941
  218. Species Pheidole hetschkoi Emery, 1896
  219. Species Pheidole hewitti Santschi, 1932
  220. Species Pheidole hirsuta Emery, 1896
  221. Species Pheidole hirtula Forel, 1899
  222. Species Pheidole holmgreni Wheeler, 1925
  223. Species Pheidole horni Emery, 1901
  224. Species Pheidole hortensis Forel, 1913
  225. Species Pheidole hospes Smith, 1865
  226. Species Pheidole hospita Bingham, 1903
  227. Species Pheidole huberi Forel, 1911
  228. Species Pheidole humeralis Wheeler, 1908
  229. Species Pheidole hyatti Emery, 1895
  230. Species Pheidole impariceps Santschi, 1923
  231. Species Pheidole impressa Mayr, 1870
  232. Species Pheidole impressiceps Mayr, 1876
  233. Species Pheidole incerta (Smith, 1863)
  234. Species Pheidole incisa Mayr, 1870
  235. Species Pheidole incurvata Viehmeyer, 1924
  236. Species Pheidole indica Mayr, 1879
  237. Species Pheidole indistincta Forel, 1899
  238. Species Pheidole inermis Mayr, 1870
  239. Species Pheidole innotata Mayr, 1866
  240. Species Pheidole innupta Menozzi, 1931
  241. Species Pheidole inquilina (Wheeler, 1903)
  242. Species Pheidole inscrobiculata Viehmeyer, 1916
  243. Species Pheidole insipida Forel, 1899
  244. Species Pheidole irritans (Smith, 1858)
  245. Species Pheidole isis Mann, 1919
  246. Species Pheidole javana
  247. Species Pheidole jonas Forel, 1907
  248. Species Pheidole jordanica Saulcy, 1874
  249. Species Pheidole jucunda Forel, 1885
  250. Species Pheidole jujuyensis Forel, 1913
  251. Species Pheidole kitschneri Forel, 1910
  252. Species Pheidole knowlesi Mann, 1921
  253. Species Pheidole kochi (Emery, 1911)
  254. Species Pheidole kohli Mayr, 1901
  255. Species Pheidole kraepelini Forel, 1901
  256. Species Pheidole lacerta Wheeler, 1922
  257. Species Pheidole laevifrons Mayr, 1887
  258. Species Pheidole laeviventris Mayr, 1870
  259. Species Pheidole laevivertex Forel, 1901
  260. Species Pheidole lamellinoda Forel, 1902
  261. Species Pheidole lamia Wheeler, 1901
  262. Species Pheidole laminata Emery, 1900
  263. Species Pheidole lanuginosa Wilson, 1984
  264. Species Pheidole laticrista Santschi, 1916
  265. Species Pheidole latinoda Roger, 1863
  266. Species Pheidole lemur Forel, 1912
  267. Species Pheidole liengmei Forel, 1894
  268. Species Pheidole lighti Wheeler, 1927
  269. Species Pheidole lignicola Mayr, 1887
  270. Species Pheidole lilloi (Kusnezov, 1952)
  271. Species Pheidole liteae Forel, 1910
  272. Species Pheidole littoralis Cole, 1952
  273. Species Pheidole lobulata Emery, 1900
  274. Species Pheidole lokitae Forel, 1913
  275. Species Pheidole longiceps Mayr, 1876
  276. Species Pheidole longicornis Emery, 1888
  277. Species Pheidole longipes (Smith, 1857)
  278. Species Pheidole longipes (Latreille, 1802)
  279. Species Pheidole longiscapa Forel, 1901
  280. Species Pheidole longispinosa Forel, 1891
  281. Species Pheidole longula Emery, 1895
  282. Species Pheidole lucida Forel, 1895
  283. Species Pheidole lucretii Santschi, 1923
  284. Species Pheidole luteipes Emery, 1914
  285. Species Pheidole lutzi Forel, 1905
  286. Species Pheidole macclendoni Wheeler, 1908
  287. Species Pheidole maculifrons Wheeler, 1929
  288. Species Pheidole madecassa Forel, 1892
  289. Species Pheidole magrettii Emery, 1887
  290. Species Pheidole maja Forel, 1886
  291. Species Pheidole makilingi Viehmeyer, 1916
  292. Species Pheidole malabarica (Jerdon, 1851)
  293. Species Pheidole malinsii Forel, 1902
  294. Species Pheidole manteroi Emery, 1897
  295. Species Pheidole marcidula Wheeler, 1908
  296. Species Pheidole maufei Arnold, 1920
  297. Species Pheidole mayri Forel, 1894
  298. Species Pheidole medioflava Donisthorpe, 1941
  299. Species Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius, 1793)
  300. Species Pheidole meinerti Forel, 1905
  301. Species Pheidole melanogaster Donisthorpe, 1943
  302. Species Pheidole mendanai Mann, 1919
  303. Species Pheidole mendicula Wheeler, 1925
  304. Species Pheidole mentita Santschi, 1914
  305. Species Pheidole metallescens Emery, 1895
  306. Species Pheidole microgyna Wheeler, 1928
  307. Species Pheidole micula Wheeler, 1915
  308. Species Pheidole militicida Wheeler, 1915
  309. Species Pheidole mimula Wheeler, 1916
  310. Species Pheidole minima Mayr, 1901
  311. Species Pheidole minor (Jerdon, 1851)
  312. Species Pheidole minuscula Bernard, 1953
  313. Species Pheidole minutissima Kusnezov, 1952
  314. Species Pheidole minutula Mayr, 1878
  315. Species Pheidole miseranda Wheeler, 1924
  316. Species Pheidole mjobergi Forel, 1915
  317. Species Pheidole modiglianii Emery, 1900
  318. Species Pheidole moerens Wheeler, 1908
  319. Species Pheidole morrisii Forel, 1886
  320. Species Pheidole moseni Wheeler, 1925
  321. Species Pheidole multidens Forel, 1902
  322. Species Pheidole mus Forel, 1902
  323. Species Pheidole mylognatha Wheeler, 1922
  324. Species Pheidole nana Emery, 1894
  325. Species Pheidole naoroji Forel, 1902
  326. Species Pheidole nasutoides Hoelldobler & Wilson, 1992
  327. Species Pheidole nemoralis Forel, 1892
  328. Species Pheidole neokohli Wilson, 1984
  329. Species Pheidole neolongiceps Brown, 1950
  330. Species Pheidole nietneri Emery, 1901
  331. Species Pheidole nigeriensis Santschi, 1914
  332. Species Pheidole nigritella Bernard, 1953
  333. Species Pheidole nimba Bernard, 1953
  334. Species Pheidole nindi Mann, 1919
  335. Species Pheidole nitidula Emery, 1888
  336. Species Pheidole njassae Viehmeyer, 1914
  337. Species Pheidole noda Smith, 1874
  338. Species Pheidole nodgii Forel, 1905
  339. Species Pheidole nodifera (Smith, 1858)
  340. Species Pheidole nuculiceps (Wheeler, 1908)
  341. Species Pheidole obnixa Forel, 1912
  342. Species Pheidole obtusopilosa Mayr, 1887
  343. Species Pheidole obtusospinosa Pergande, 1896
  344. Species Pheidole occipitalis Andre, 1890
  345. Species Pheidole oceanica Mayr, 1866
  346. Species Pheidole ocior Forel, 1915
  347. Species Pheidole oculata (Emery, 1899)
  348. Species Pheidole onifera Mann, 1921
  349. Species Pheidole opaciventris Mayr, 1876
  350. Species Pheidole optiva Forel, 1901
  351. Species Pheidole orbica Forel, 1893
  352. Species Pheidole oswaldi Forel, 1891
  353. Species Pheidole oxyops Forel, 1908
  354. Species Pheidole paiute Gregg, 1959
  355. Species Pheidole pallidula (Nylander, 1849)
  356. Species Pheidole parasitica Wilson, 1984
  357. Species Pheidole partita Mayr, 1887
  358. Species Pheidole parva Mayr, 1865
  359. Species Pheidole peguensis Emery, 1895
  360. Species Pheidole penetralis Smith, 1863
  361. Species Pheidole peregrina Wheeler, 1916
  362. Species Pheidole perpusilla Emery, 1894
  363. Species Pheidole philemon Forel, 1910
  364. Species Pheidole philippi Emery, 1915
  365. Species Pheidole phipsoni Forel, 1902
  366. Species Pheidole picata Forel, 1891
  367. Species Pheidole picea (Buckley, 1867)
  368. Species Pheidole piceonigra Emery, 1922
  369. Species Pheidole pieli Santschi, 1925
  370. Species Pheidole pilifera (Roger, 1863)
  371. Species Pheidole piliventris (Smith, 1858)
  372. Species Pheidole pinealis Wheeler, 1908
  373. Species Pheidole plagiaria Smith, 1860
  374. Species Pheidole planifrons Santschi, 1920
  375. Species Pheidole platypus Crawley, 1915
  376. Species Pheidole plebecula Forel, 1899
  377. Species Pheidole plinii Forel, 1911
  378. Species Pheidole porcula Wheeler, 1908
  379. Species Pheidole praeusta Roger, 1863
  380. Species Pheidole prelli Forel, 1911
  381. Species Pheidole pronotalis Forel, 1902
  382. Species Pheidole providens (Sykes, 1835)
  383. Species Pheidole proxima Mayr, 1876
  384. Species Pheidole psammophila Creighton & Gregg, 1955
  385. Species Pheidole pubiventris Mayr, 1887
  386. Species Pheidole pulchella Santschi, 1910
  387. Species Pheidole punctatissima Mayr, 1870
  388. Species Pheidole punctithorax Borgmeier, 1929
  389. Species Pheidole punctulata Mayr, 1866
  390. Species Pheidole pungens (Smith, 1861)
  391. Species Pheidole purpurascens Emery, 1897
  392. Species Pheidole pyriformis Clark, 1938
  393. Species Pheidole quadrensis Forel, 1900
  394. Species Pheidole quadricuspis Emery, 1900
  395. Species Pheidole quadriprojecta Smith, 1947
  396. Species Pheidole quadrispinosa (Smith, 1865)
  397. Species Pheidole quiaccana Wheeler, 1925
  398. Species Pheidole rabo Forel, 1913
  399. Species Pheidole radoszkowskii Mayr, 1884
  400. Species Pheidole rata Borgmeier, 1929
  401. Species Pheidole rehi Forel, 1900
  402. Species Pheidole reichenspergeri Santschi, 1923
  403. Species Pheidole retronitens Santschi, 1930
  404. Species Pheidole rhea Wheeler, 1908
  405. Species Pheidole rhinoceros Forel, 1899
  406. Species Pheidole ridicula Wheeler, 1916
  407. Species Pheidole rinae Emery, 1900
  408. Species Pheidole risii Forel, 1892
  409. Species Pheidole riveti Santschi, 1911
  410. Species Pheidole roberti Forel, 1902
  411. Species Pheidole rogeri Emery, 1896
  412. Species Pheidole rogersi Forel, 1902
  413. Species Pheidole rohani Santschi, 1925
  414. Species Pheidole roosevelti Mann, 1921
  415. Species Pheidole rosae Forel, 1901
  416. Species Pheidole ruficeps (Smith, 1861)
  417. Species Pheidole rufipilis Forel, 1908
  418. Species Pheidole rugaticeps Emery, 1877
  419. Species Pheidole rugosa Smith, 1858
  420. Species Pheidole rugosula Forel, 1902
  421. Species Pheidole rugulosa Gregg, 1959
  422. Species Pheidole ryukyuensis Ogata, 1982
  423. Species Pheidole sagana Wheeler, 1934
  424. Species Pheidole sagei Forel, 1902
  425. Species Pheidole sauberi Forel, 1905
  426. Species Pheidole sauteri Wheeler, 1909
  427. Species Pheidole saxicola Wheeler, 1922
  428. Species Pheidole scabriuscula Gerstaecker, 1871
  429. Species Pheidole scapulata Santschi, 1923
  430. Species Pheidole schoutedeni Forel, 1913
  431. Species Pheidole schultzei Forel, 1910
  432. Species Pheidole schwarzmaieri Borgmeier, 1939
  433. Species Pheidole sciara Cole, 1955
  434. Species Pheidole sciophila Wheeler, 1908
  435. Species Pheidole scrobifera Emery, 1896
  436. Species Pheidole sculpturata Mayr, 1866
  437. Species Pheidole seeldrayersi Forel, 1910
  438. Species Pheidole semilaevis Forel, 1901
  439. Species Pheidole senex Gregg, 1952
  440. Species Pheidole sensitiva Borgmeier, 1959
  441. Species Pheidole sepulchralis Bingham, 1903
  442. Species Pheidole sericella Viehmeyer, 1914
  443. Species Pheidole severini Forel, 1904
  444. Species Pheidole sexdentata Donisthorpe, 1948
  445. Species Pheidole sexspinosa Mayr, 1870
  446. Species Pheidole sharpi Forel, 1902
  447. Species Pheidole sikorae Forel, 1891
  448. Species Pheidole silvestrii Emery, 1906
  449. Species Pheidole similigena Wheeler, 1937
  450. Species Pheidole simoni Emery, 1893
  451. Species Pheidole sinaitica Mayr, 1862
  452. Species Pheidole singularis Smith, 1863
  453. Species Pheidole sinica (Wu & Wang, 1992)
  454. Species Pheidole sitarches Wheeler, 1908
  455. Species Pheidole skwarrae Wheeler, 1934
  456. Species Pheidole smythiesii Forel, 1902
  457. Species Pheidole spadonia Wheeler, 1915
  458. Species Pheidole spathifera Forel, 1902
  459. Species Pheidole speculifera Emery, 1877
  460. Species Pheidole sperata Forel, 1915
  461. Species Pheidole spielbergi Emery, 1888
  462. Species Pheidole spininodis Mayr, 1887
  463. Species Pheidole spinoda (Smith, 1858)
  464. Species Pheidole spinulosa Forel, 1910
  465. Species Pheidole squalida Santschi, 1910
  466. Species Pheidole steinheili Forel, 1901
  467. Species Pheidole strator Forel, 1910
  468. Species Pheidole striata Donisthorpe, 1947
  469. Species Pheidole striaticeps Mayr, 1870
  470. Species Pheidole striativentris Mayr, 1879
  471. Species Pheidole stulta Forel, 1886
  472. Species Pheidole subaberrans (Kusnezov, 1952)
  473. Species Pheidole subarmata Mayr, 1884
  474. Species Pheidole sulcaticeps Roger, 1863
  475. Species Pheidole susannae Forel, 1886
  476. Species Pheidole sykesii Forel, 1902
  477. Species Pheidole symbiotica (Kusnezov, 1952)
  478. Species Pheidole symbiotica Wasmann, 1909
  479. Species Pheidole tachigaliae Wheeler, 1921
  480. Species Pheidole taivanensis Forel, 1912
  481. Species Pheidole tandjongensis Forel, 1913
  482. Species Pheidole tarda Donisthorpe, 1947
  483. Species Pheidole tasmaniensis Mayr, 1866
  484. Species Pheidole taurus Emery, 1906
  485. Species Pheidole templaria Forel, 1902
  486. Species Pheidole tenerescens Wheeler, 1922
  487. Species Pheidole teneriffana Forel, 1893
  488. Species Pheidole tenuiclavata Donisthorpe, 1943
  489. Species Pheidole tenuinodis Mayr, 1901
  490. Species Pheidole tepicana Pergande, 1896
  491. Species Pheidole termitobia Forel, 1901
  492. Species Pheidole termitophila Forel, 1904
  493. Species Pheidole terresi Wheeler & Mann, 1914
  494. Species Pheidole tertiaria Carpenter, 1930
  495. Species Pheidole tethepa Wilson, 1985
  496. Species Pheidole tetracantha Emery, 1897
  497. Species Pheidole tetrica Forel, 1913
  498. Species Pheidole texana Wheeler, 1903
  499. Species Pheidole tijucana Borgmeier, 1927
  500. Species Pheidole tisiphone Wheeler, 1911
  501. Species Pheidole titanis Wheeler, 1903
  502. Species Pheidole tolteca Forel, 1901
  503. Species Pheidole tragica Wheeler, 1934
  504. Species Pheidole transfigens Forel, 1911
  505. Species Pheidole transversostriata Mayr, 1887
  506. Species Pheidole trapezoidea Viehmeyer, 1914
  507. Species Pheidole treubi Forel, 1905
  508. Species Pheidole tricarinata Santschi, 1914
  509. Species Pheidole tricolor Donisthorpe, 1949
  510. Species Pheidole triconstricta Forel, 1886
  511. Species Pheidole tristis (Smith, 1858)
  512. Species Pheidole tsailuni Wheeler, 1929
  513. Species Pheidole tucsonica Wheeler, 1908
  514. Species Pheidole turneri Forel, 1902
  515. Species Pheidole tysoni Forel, 1901
  516. Species Pheidole umbonata Mayr, 1870
  517. Species Pheidole upeneci Forel, 1913
  518. Species Pheidole ursus Mayr, 1870
  519. Species Pheidole vafella Wheeler, 1925
  520. Species Pheidole vafra Santschi, 1923
  521. Species Pheidole vallicola Wheeler, 1915
  522. Species Pheidole vallifica Forel, 1901
  523. Species Pheidole vanderveldi Forel, 1913
  524. Species Pheidole variabilis Mayr, 1876
  525. Species Pheidole variolosa Emery, 1892
  526. Species Pheidole vaslitii Pergande, 1896
  527. Species Pheidole vatu Mann, 1921
  528. Species Pheidole velox Emery, 1887
  529. Species Pheidole veteratrix Forel, 1891
  530. Species Pheidole victoris Forel, 1913
  531. Species Pheidole vigilans (Smith, 1858)
  532. Species Pheidole virago Wheeler, 1915
  533. Species Pheidole vistana Forel, 1914
  534. Species Pheidole voeltzkowii Forel, 1894
  535. Species Pheidole vorax (Fabricius, 1804)
  536. Species Pheidole walkeri Mann, 1922
  537. Species Pheidole wallacei Mann, 1916
  538. Species Pheidole watsoni Forel, 1902
  539. Species Pheidole wheeleri Mann, 1916
  540. Species Pheidole wheelerorum MacKay, 1988
  541. Species Pheidole wiesei Forel, 1910
  542. Species Pheidole wiesi Forel
  543. Species Pheidole williamsi Wheeler, 1919
  544. Species Pheidole wilsoni Mann, 1921
  545. Species Pheidole wolfringi Forel, 1908
  546. Species Pheidole woodmasoni Forel, 1885
  547. Species Pheidole wroughtonii Forel, 1902
  548. Species Pheidole xanthocnemis Emery, 1914
  549. Species Pheidole xerophila Wheeler, 1908
  550. Species Pheidole xocensis Forel, 1913
  551. Species Pheidole yaqui Creighton & Gregg, 1955
  552. Species Pheidole zeteki Smith, 1947
  553. Species Pheidole dolichocephala E. André, 1896 accepted as Pheidole vigilans (Smith, 1858)
  554. Species Pheidole froggatti Forel, 1902 accepted as Anisopheidole antipodum (Smith, 1858)
  555. Species Pheidole myops Forel, 1902 accepted as Anisopheidole antipodum (Smith, 1858)
marine, brackish
recent only
Ann. Nat. Hist., 6
page(s): 87 [details] 
IRMNG (2024). Pheidole Westwood, 1840. Accessed at: on 2025-03-04
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Ann. Nat. Hist., 6
page(s): 87 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

basis of record Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Phidole Bingham, 1903) Fauna Brit. India, Hym., 2
page(s): 220 [details] 

original description (of Phidola Schulz, 1906) Schulz, W. A. (1906). Spolia Hymenopterologica. Albert Pape, Paderborn. 356 pp., 1 pl., available online at
page(s): 155 [details] 

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