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IRMNG source details

Wijayawardene, N.; Hyde, K.; Dai, D.; Sánchez-García, M.; Goto, B.; Saxena, R.; Erdoğdu, M.; Selçuk, F.; Rajeshkumar, K.; Aptroot, A.; Błaszkowski, J.; Boonyuen, N.; Da Silva, G.; De Souza, F.; Dong, W.; Ertz, D.; Haelewaters, D.; Jones, E.; Karunarathna, S.; Kirk, P.; Kukwa, M.; Kumla, J.; Leontyev, D.; Lumbsch, H.; Maharachchikumbura, S.; Marguno, F.; Martínez-Rodríguez, P.; Mešić, A.; Monteiro, J.; Oehl, F.; Pawłowska, J.; Pem, D.; Pfliegler, W.; Phillips, A.; Pošta, A.; He, M.; Li, J.; Raza, M.; Sruthi, O.; Suetrong, S.; Suwannarach, N.; Tedersoo, L.; Thiyagaraja, V.; Tibpromma, S.; Tkalčec, Z.; Tokarev, Y.; Wanasinghe, D.; Wijesundara, D.; Wimalaseana, S.; Madrid, H.; Zhang, G.; Gao, Y.; Sánchez-Castro, I.; Tang, L.; Stadler, M.; Yurkov, A.; Thines, M. (2022). Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa – 2021. Mycosphere. 13(1): 53-453.
10.5943/mycosphere/13/1/2 [view]
Wijayawardene, N.; Hyde, K.; Dai, D.; Sánchez-García, M.; Goto, B.; Saxena, R.; Erdoğdu, M.; Selçuk, F.; Rajeshkumar, K.; Aptroot, A.; Błaszkowski, J.; Boonyuen, N.; Da Silva, G.; De Souza, F.; Dong, W.; Ertz, D.; Haelewaters, D.; Jones, E.; Karunarathna, S.; Kirk, P.; Kukwa, M.; Kumla, J.; Leontyev, D.; Lumbsch, H.; Maharachchikumbura, S.; Marguno, F.; Martínez-Rodríguez, P.; Mešić, A.; Monteiro, J.; Oehl, F.; Pawłowska, J.; Pem, D.; Pfliegler, W.; Phillips, A.; Pošta, A.; He, M.; Li, J.; Raza, M.; Sruthi, O.; Suetrong, S.; Suwannarach, N.; Tedersoo, L.; Thiyagaraja, V.; Tibpromma, S.; Tkalčec, Z.; Tokarev, Y.; Wanasinghe, D.; Wijesundara, D.; Wimalaseana, S.; Madrid, H.; Zhang, G.; Gao, Y.; Sánchez-Castro, I.; Tang, L.; Stadler, M.; Yurkov, A.; Thines, M.
Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa – 2021
13(1): 53-453
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BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2023-05-09 18:58:32Z

"Merodermid clade" accepted as Meridermatales (source of synonymy)
Acytosteliaceae Raper ex Raper & Quinlan (current name source)
Acytosteliales (current name source)
Acytosteliales (taxonomy source)
Alwisia Berkeley & Broome, 1873 (verified source for family)
Alwisia Berkeley & Broome, 1873 (current name source)
Amaurochaetaceae J.T. Rostafińsky ex Cooke, 1877 (current name source)
Amaurochaetaceae J.T. Rostafińsky ex Cooke, 1877 (taxonomy source)
Arcyodes O.F. Cook, 1902 (verified source for family)
Arcyria Hill ex F.H. Wiggers, 1780 (verified source for family)
Arcyriaceae Rostafiński ex Cooke, 1877 accepted as Trichiaceae Chevallier, 1826 (source of synonymy)
Arcyriatella E. Hochgesand & G. Gottsberger, 1989 (verified source for family)
Badhamia Berkeley, 1853 (current name source)
Badhamia Berkeley, 1853 (verified source for family)
Barbeyella Meylan, 1914 (verified source for family)
Calomyxa Nieuwland, 1916 (verified source for family)
Calonema Morgan, 1893 (verified source for family)
Cavenderia S.L. Baldauf, S. Sheikh & M. Thulin in Sheikh et al., 2018 (verified source for family)
Cavenderia S.L. Baldauf, S. Sheikh & M. Thulin in Sheikh et al., 2018 (current name source)
Cavenderiaceae S.L. Baldauf, S. Sheikh & M. Thulin in Sheikh et al., 2018 (current name source)
Cavenderiaceae S.L. Baldauf, S. Sheikh & M. Thulin in Sheikh et al., 2018 (taxonomy source)
Cavosteliida (basis of record)
Cavosteliida (extant flag source)
Cavosteliida (taxonomy source)
Cavosteliidae Olive, 1964 (taxonomy source)
Cavosteliidae Olive, 1964 (current name source)
Ceratiomyxaceae J. Schröter (taxonomy source)
Ceratiomyxaceae J. Schröter (current name source)
Ceratiomyxaceae J. Schröter (name verified source)
Ceratiomyxales (current name source)
Ceratiomyxales (name verified source)
Ceratiomyxales (taxonomy source)
Ceratiomyxales (basis of record)
Ceratiomyxales (extant flag source)
Ceratiomyxida accepted as Ceratiomyxales (source of synonymy)
Ceratiomyxomycetes (name verified source)
Ceratiomyxomycetes (taxonomy source)
Ceratiomyxomycetes (extant flag source)
Ceratiomyxomycetes (basis of record)
Ceratiomyxomycetes (current name source)
Clastoderma A. Blytt, 1880 (verified source for family)
Clastodermataceae C.J. Alexopoulos & T.E. Brooks, 1971 (name verified source)
Clastodermataceae C.J. Alexopoulos & T.E. Brooks, 1971 (taxonomy source)
Clastodermataceae C.J. Alexopoulos & T.E. Brooks, 1971 (current name source)
Clastodermatales (current name source)
Clastodermatales (taxonomy source)
Clastodermidae Alexopoulos & Brooks, 1971 accepted as Clastodermataceae C.J. Alexopoulos & T.E. Brooks, 1971 (source of synonymy)
Clastostelium L.S. Olive & C. Stoianovitch, 1977 (verified source for family)
Coenonia Van Tieghem, 1884 (verified source for family)
Collaria Nannenga-Bremekamp, 1975 (current name source)
Collaria Nannenga-Bremekamp, 1975 (verified source for family)
Colloderma G. Lister, 1910 (verified source for family)
Colloderma G. Lister, 1910 (current name source)
Coremiostelium S.L. Baldauf, S. Sheikh & M. Thulin in Sheikh et al., 2018 (verified source for family)
Coremiostelium S.L. Baldauf, S. Sheikh & M. Thulin in Sheikh et al., 2018 (current name source)
Cornuvia Rostafinski, 1873 (verified source for family)
Cribraria Persoon in Roemer, 1794 (verified source for family)
Cribrariaceae Corda, 1838 (current name source)
Cribrariaceae Corda, 1838 (taxonomy source)
Cribrariales (basis of record)
Cribrariales (extant flag source)
Cribrariales (current name source)
Cribrariales (taxonomy source)
Cribrariales (name verified source)
Cribrariidae accepted as Cribrariaceae Corda, 1838 (source of synonymy)
Diachea E.M. Fries, 1825 (verified source for family)
Diacheopsis Meylan, 1930 (current name source)
Diacheopsis Meylan, 1930 (verified source for family)
Dianema Rex, 1891 (verified source for family)
Dianemataceae T. Macbride, 1922 (name verified source)
Dianemataceae T. Macbride, 1922 (taxonomy source)
Dianemataceae T. Macbride, 1922 (current name source)
Dictydiaethaliaceae accepted as Dianemataceae T. Macbride, 1922 (source of synonymy)
Dictydiaethalium Rostafinski, 1873 (verified source for family)
Dictyostelia accepted as Dictyosteliomycetes (source of synonymy)
Dictyosteliales (taxonomy source)
Dictyosteliales (current name source)
Dictyosteliomycetes (taxonomy source)
Dictyosteliomycetes (basis of record)
Dictyosteliomycetes (current name source)
Dictyosteliomycetes (name verified source)
Dictyosteliomycetes (extant flag source)
Didymiaceae Rostafiński, 1873 ex Cooke, 1877 (current name source)
Didymiaceae Rostafiński, 1873 ex Cooke, 1877 (taxonomy source)
Echinosteliaceae Rostafiński, 1873 ex Cooke, 1877 (current name source)
Echinosteliaceae Rostafiński, 1873 ex Cooke, 1877 (taxonomy source)
Echinosteliales (current name source)
Echinosteliales (taxonomy source)
Echinosteliales (name verified source)
Echinosteliales (extant flag source)
Echinosteliida accepted as Echinosteliales (source of synonymy)
Echinosteliidae accepted as Echinosteliaceae Rostafiński, 1873 ex Cooke, 1877 (source of synonymy)
Echinosteliopsidaceae L.S. Olive, 1970 (current name source)
Echinosteliopsidales (current name source)
Echinostelium de Bary in Rostafinski, 1873 (verified source for family)
Elaeomyxa Hagelstein, 1942 (current name source)
Elaeomyxa Hagelstein, 1942 (verified source for family)
Eumycetozoa (current name source)
Fractovitellida (taxonomy source)
Fractovitellida (current name source)

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