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2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
Rees, Tony
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Taxa (83 709)
Aaosphaeria arxii
(Aa) Aptroot, 1995
(basis of record)
Abacina alboatra
(Hoffm.) Norman
accepted as
Diplotomma alboatrum
(Hoffm.) Flot., 1849
(basis of record)
Abacina amphibia
(Fr.) Norman, 1853
accepted as
Rhizocarpon amphibium
(Fr.) Th. Fr., 1874
(basis of record)
Abaphospora borealis
(P. Karst.) Kirschst., 1939
accepted as
Melanopsamma borealis
(P. Karst.) Sacc., 1878
(basis of record)
Abortiporus biennis
(Bull.) Singer, 1944
(basis of record)
Abortiporus borealis
(Fr.) Singer, 1944
accepted as
Climacocystis borealis
(Fr.) Kotl. & Pouzar, 1958
(basis of record)
Abortiporus distortus
(Schwein.) Murrill, 1904
accepted as
Abortiporus biennis
(Bull.) Singer, 1944
(basis of record)
Abortiporus fimbriatus
(Fr.) O. Fidalgo & M. Fidalgo, 1957
accepted as
Hydnopolyporus fimbriatus
(Fr.) D.A. Reid, 1962
(basis of record)
Abortiporus fractipes
(Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Gilb. & Ryvarden, 1986
(basis of record)
Abortiporus humilis
(Peck) Singer, 1944
accepted as
Abortiporus fractipes
(Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Gilb. & Ryvarden, 1986
(basis of record)
Abortiporus roseus
(D.A. Reid) Masuka & Ryvarden, 1992
(basis of record)
Abortiporus subabortivus
Murrill, 1938
accepted as
Diacanthodes novoguineensis
(Henn.) O. Fidalgo, 1962
(basis of record)
Abortiporus tropicalis
Murrill, 1910
accepted as
Abortiporus fractipes
(Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Gilb. & Ryvarden, 1986
(basis of record)
Abortiporus wynnei
(Berk. & Broome) Rauschert, 1988
accepted as
Tyromyces wynnei
(Berk. & Broome) Donk, 1933
(basis of record)
Abortiporus zonatus
(Corner) T. Hatt., 1999
accepted as
Heteroporus zonatus
Corner, 1987
(basis of record)
Abropelta fusarioides
B. Sutton, 1986
(basis of record)
Abrothallus bertianus
Massee, 1849
(basis of record)
Abrothallus caerulescens
(basis of record)
Abrothallus cetrariae
(basis of record)
Abrothallus cladonema
(Wedd.) Zopf
accepted as
Clypeococcum cladonema
(Wedd.) D. Hawksw., 1977
(basis of record)
Abrothallus cladoniae
(Ellis & Everh.) Clauzade, Diederich & Cl. Roux, 1989
(basis of record)
Abrothallus glabratulae
accepted as
Abrothallus bertianus
Massee, 1849
(basis of record)
Abrothallus inquinans
Tul., 1852
accepted as
Micarea inquinans
(Tul.) Coppins, 1992
(basis of record)
Abrothallus lobariellus
(Nyl.) Zopf, 1896
accepted as
Dactylospora lobariella
(Nyl.) Hafellner, 1979
(basis of record)
Abrothallus microspermus
Tul., 1852
(basis of record)
Abrothallus moorei
accepted as
Phaeopyxis punctum
(A. Massal.) Rambold, Triebel & Coppins, 1990
(basis of record)
Abrothallus oxysporus
Tul., 1852
accepted as
Nesolechia oxyspora
(Tul.) A. Massal., 1856
(basis of record)
Abrothallus parmeliarum
(Sommerf.) Nyl., 1869
(basis of record)
Abrothallus parmotrematis
Diederich, 1989
(basis of record)
Abrothallus prodiens
(Harm.) Clauzade, Diederich & Cl. Roux, 1989
(basis of record)
Abrothallus pulverulentus
accepted as
Buellia pulverulenta
(Anzi) Jatta, 1900
(basis of record)
Abrothallus suecicus
(Kirschst.) Nordin, 1964
(basis of record)
Abrothallus usneae
Stein, 1861
(basis of record)
Abrothallus welwitschii
(basis of record)
Absconditella annexa
(Arnold) Vezda, 1965
(basis of record)
Absconditella celata
Döbbeler & Poelt, 1977
(basis of record)
Absconditella delutula
(Nyl.) Coppins & H. Kilias, 1980
(basis of record)
Absconditella lignicola
Vezda & Pišút, 1985
(basis of record)
Absconditella modesta
(Stizenb.) Vezda, 1966
accepted as
Absconditella delutula
(Nyl.) Coppins & H. Kilias, 1980
(basis of record)
Absconditella pauxilla
Vezda & Vivant, 1975
(basis of record)
Absconditella sphagnorum
Vezda & Poelt, 1965
(basis of record)
Absconditella trivialis
(Willey ex Tuck.) Vezda, 1965
(basis of record)
Abundisporus fuscopurpureus
(Pers.) Ryvarden, 1999
accepted as
Loweporus fuscopurpureus
(Pers.) Ryvarden, 1980
(basis of record)
Abundisporus roseoalbus
(Jungh.) Ryvarden, 1999
accepted as
Loweporus roseoalbus
(Jungh.) Ryvarden, 1980
(basis of record)
Abundisporus subflexibilis
(Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Parmasto, 2000
accepted as
Loweporus roseoalbus
(Jungh.) Ryvarden, 1980
(basis of record)
Abundisporus violaceus
(Wakef.) Ryvarden, 1999
accepted as
Nigroporus violaceus
(Wakef.) Ryvarden, 1972
(basis of record)
Abyssomyces hydrozoicus
Kohlm., 1970
(basis of record)
Acallomyces gyrophaenae
(Thaxt.) I.I. Tav., 1973
(basis of record)
Acallomyces homalotae
Thaxt., 1902
(basis of record)
Acallomyces platyolae
Thaxt., 1931
(basis of record)
Acantharia aterrima
(Cooke & G. Winter) Arx, 1954
(basis of record)
Acantharia chaetomoides
W.H. Hsieh, Chi Y. Chen & Sivan., 1995
(basis of record)
Acantharia echinata
(Ellis & Everh.) Theiss. & Syd., 1918
(basis of record)
Acantharia elegans
(Syd. & P. Syd.) Arx, 1954
(basis of record)
Acantharia hamata
(Penz. & Sacc.) Arx, 1954
(basis of record)
Acantharia quercus-dilatatae
S.K. Bose & E. Müll., 1965
(basis of record)
Acantharia sinensis
(Petr.) Arx, 1954
(basis of record)
Acanthellorhiza globulifera
P. Roberts, 1999
accepted as
Heteroacanthella acanthophysa
(Burds.) Oberw., 1990
(basis of record)
Acanthobasidium delicatum
(Wakef.) Oberw., 1965
accepted as
Aleurodiscus delicatus
Wakef., 1952
(basis of record)
Acanthobasidium delicatum
(Wakef.) Oberw. ex Jülich, 1979
accepted as
Aleurodiscus delicatus
Wakef., 1952
(basis of record)
Acanthobasidium norvegicum
(J. Erikss. & Ryvarden) Boidin, Lanq., Cand., Gilles & Hugueney, 1986
(basis of record)
Acanthobasidium phragmitis
Boidin, Lanq., Gilles, Cand. & Hugueney, 1986
(basis of record)
Acanthocystis applicatus
(Batsch) Kühner, 1926
accepted as
Resupinatus applicatus
(Batsch) Gray, 1821
(basis of record)
Acanthocystis cyphelliformis
(Berk. & Broome) Konrad & Maubl., 1937
accepted as
Hohenbuehelia cyphelliformis
(Berk. & Broome) O.K. Mill., 1986
(basis of record)
Acanthocystis geogenius
(DC.) Kühner, 1926
accepted as
Hohenbuehelia petaloides
(Bull.) Schulzer, 1866
(basis of record)
Acanthocystis hepatotricha
(Berk.) Singer, 1943
accepted as
Lentinellus pulvinulus
(Berk.) Pegler, 1965
(basis of record)
Acanthocystis longipes
(Boud.) J. Favre, 1948
accepted as
Hohenbuehelia longipes
(Boud.) M.M. Moser, 1967
(basis of record)
Acanthocystis petaloides
(Bull.) Kühner, 1926
accepted as
Hohenbuehelia petaloides
(Bull.) Schulzer, 1866
(basis of record)
Acanthocystis serotinus
(Schrad.) Konrad & Maubl., 1937
accepted as
Panellus serotinus
(Schrad.) Kühner, 1950
(basis of record)
Acanthocystis stratosa
(G.F. Atk.) Singer, 1943
accepted as
Hohenbuehelia angustata
(Berk.) Singer, 1951
(basis of record)
Acanthocystis striatula
(Pers.) Kühner, 1926
accepted as
Resupinatus striatulus
(Pers.) Murrill, 1915
(basis of record)
Acanthocystis testudo
(Berk.) Boedijn, 1940
accepted as
Hohenbuehelia testudo
(Berk.) Pegler, 1986
(basis of record)
Acanthocystis viscidula
(Berk. & Broome) Singer, 1943
accepted as
Pleurotus viscidulus
(Berk. & Broome) Pegler, 1965
(basis of record)
Acanthoderma memecyli
Syd. & P. Syd., 1917
(basis of record)
Acanthodochium collodisculae
Samuels, J.D. Rogers & Nagas., 1987
(basis of record)
Acanthofungus ahmadii
(Boidin) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien, 2000
(basis of record)
Acanthofungus rimosus
Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien, 2000
(basis of record)
Acanthofungus thoenii
(Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien, 2000
(basis of record)
Acantholichen pannarioides
P.M. Jørg., 1998
(basis of record)
Acanthomyces lasiophora
Thaxt., 1892
accepted as
Rhachomyces lasiophorus
(Thaxt.) Thaxt., 1971
(basis of record)
Acanthonitschkea tristis
(Pers.) Nannf., 1975
(basis of record)
Acanthophiobolus chaetophorus
(P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Svrček, 1974
accepted as
Acanthophiobolus helicosporus
(Berk. & Broome) J. Walker, 1972
(basis of record)
Acanthophiobolus gracilis
(Niessl) Arx & E. Müll., 1975
accepted as
Acanthophiobolus helicosporus
(Berk. & Broome) J. Walker, 1972
(basis of record)
Acanthophiobolus helicosporus
(Berk. & Broome) J. Walker, 1972
(basis of record)
Acanthophiobolus helminthosporus
(Rehm) Berl., 1893
accepted as
Acanthophiobolus helicosporus
(Berk. & Broome) J. Walker, 1972
(basis of record)
Acanthophysellum bisporum
(Boidin & Lanq.) Boidin & Gilles, 2002
accepted as
Acanthophysium bisporum
Boidin & Lanq., 1986
(basis of record)
Acanthophysellum buxicola
(Boidin & Lanq.) Boidin & Gilles, 2002
accepted as
Acanthophysium buxicola
Boidin & Lanq., 1986
(basis of record)
Acanthophysellum canadense
(Skolko) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien, 2000
accepted as
Aleurodiscus canadensis
Skolko, 1944
(basis of record)
Acanthophysellum cerussatum
(Bres.) Parmasto, 1967
accepted as
Aleurodiscus cerussatus
(Bres.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1907
(basis of record)
Acanthophysellum dextrinoideocerussatum
(Manjón, M.N. Blanco & G. Moreno) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien, 2000
accepted as
Aleurodiscus dextrinoideocerussatus
Manjón, M.N. Blanco & G. Moreno, 1990
(basis of record)
Acanthophysellum lapponicum
(Litsch.) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien, 2000
accepted as
Aleurodiscus lapponicus
Litsch., 1944
(basis of record)
Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum
(P. Karst.) Parmasto, 1967
accepted as
Aleurodiscus lividocaeruleus
(P. Karst.) P.A. Lemke, 1964
(basis of record)
Acanthophysellum mesaverdense
(Lindsey) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien, 2000
accepted as
Aleurodiscus mesaverdensis
Lindsey, 1987
(basis of record)
Acanthophysium aberrans
(G. Cunn.) G. Cunn., 1963
accepted as
Aleurodiscus aberrans
G. Cunn., 1956
(basis of record)
Acanthophysium abietis
(H.S. Jacks. & P.A. Lemke) Ginns & M.N.L. Lefebvre, 1993
accepted as
Aleurodiscus abietis
H.S. Jacks. & P.A. Lemke, 1964
(basis of record)
Acanthophysium acerinum
(Pers.) G. Cunn., 1963
accepted as
Dendrothele acerina
(Pers.) P.A. Lemke, 1965
(basis of record)
Acanthophysium ahmadii
(Boidin) Boidin, 1986
accepted as
Acanthofungus ahmadii
(Boidin) Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien, 2000
(basis of record)
Acanthophysium apricans
(Bourdot) G. Cunn., 1963
accepted as
Aleurodiscus apricans
Bourdot, 1910
(basis of record)
Acanthophysium aurantium
(Pers.) G. Cunn., 1963
accepted as
Aleurodiscus aurantius
(Pers.) J. Schröt., 1888
(basis of record)
Acanthophysium australiense
(Wakef.) G. Cunn., 1963
accepted as
Aleurodiscus australiensis
Wakef., 1918
(basis of record)
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