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2011-10-06 22:00:00Z

Acanthopsylla bella Smit, 1953 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla bisinuata Hollanad, 1969 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla dunneti Holland, 1971 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla enderleini (Wagner, 1933) (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla eudromiciae Holland, 1969 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla franklinensis M. Rothschild, 1936 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla guba Smit, 1953 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla hollandi Lewis, 1977 accepted as Frontopsylla adixsterna Liu Chiying, Shao Kwannan & Liu Chuan, 1976 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla jordani Mardon, 1973 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla pavida (Rothschild, 1916) (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla praxilla M. Rothschild, 1934 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla rectangulata Holland, 1971 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla richardsoni Smit, 1953 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla rothschildi (Rainbow, 1905) (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla saphes Jordan & Rothschild, 1922 (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla scintilla (M. Rothschild, 1936) (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla utia Ji, 1979 accepted as Frontopsylla frontalis (Rothschild, 1908) (basis of record)
Acanthopsylla woodwardi (Rothschild, 1904) (basis of record)
Acedestia chera Jordan, 1937 (basis of record)
Achaetopsylla kakhetiana Savenko, 1949 accepted as Chaetopsylla rothschildi Kohaut, 1903 (basis of record)
Achaetopsylla kohauti Oudemans, 1910 accepted as Chaetopsylla globiceps (Taschenberg, 1880) (basis of record)
Achaetopsylla nocens Ioff, 1946 accepted as Chaetopsylla mikado Rothschild, 1904 (basis of record)
Achaetopsylla strandi (Wahlgren, 1903) accepted as Chaetopsylla tuberculaticeps (Bezzi, 1890) (basis of record)
Achaetopsylla striatus (Kolenati, 1863) accepted as Chaetopsylla hyaenae (Kolenati, 1846) (basis of record)
Achaetopsylla ursi (Rothschild, 1902) accepted as Chaetopsylla tuberculaticeps (Bezzi, 1890) (basis of record)
Aconothobius anthobius Smit, 1975 (basis of record)
Aconothobius martensi Smit, 1975 (basis of record)
Aconothobius orientalis (Lewis, Kulkarni & Bhat, 1972) (basis of record)
Acropsylla episema Rothschild, 1911 (basis of record)
Acropsylla traubi Lewis, 1973 (basis of record)
Actenopsylla suavis Jordan & Rothschild, 1923 (basis of record)
Adoratopsylla antiquorum (Rothschild, 1904) (basis of record)
Adoratopsylla bisetosa Ewing, 1925 (basis of record)
Adoratopsylla cunhai (Pinto, 1926) accepted as Adoratopsylla antiquorum (Rothschild, 1904) (basis of record)
Adoratopsylla dilecta Jordan, 1938 (basis of record)
Adoratopsylla intermedia (Wagner, 1901) (basis of record)
Adoratopsylla sinuata Guimaraes, 1945 (basis of record)
Aenigmopsylla grodekovi Sychevsky, 1950 (basis of record)
Aetheca bakeri (Wagner, 1933) accepted as Aetheca thamba (Jordan, 1929) (basis of record)
Aetheca peromysci (Stewart, 1928) accepted as Aetheca wagneri (Baker, 1904) (basis of record)
Aetheca thamba (Jordan, 1929) (basis of record)
Aetheca wagneri (Baker, 1904) (basis of record)
Aethopsylla acutus (Baker, 1904) accepted as Oropsylla montana (Baker, 1895) (basis of record)
Aethopsylla bertholfi (C. Fox, 1927) accepted as Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker, 1904) (basis of record)
Aethopsylla crassus (Jordan & Rothschild, 1911) accepted as Oropsylla silantiewi (Wagner, 1898) (basis of record)
Aethopsylla elana Jordan, 1929 accepted as Oropsylla alaskensis Baker, 1904 (basis of record)
Aethopsylla hopkinsi (Vargas, 1955) accepted as Oropsylla montana (Baker, 1895) (basis of record)
Aethopsylla poeantis (Rothschild, 1905) accepted as Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker, 1904) (basis of record)
Aethopsylla saundersi (Jordan, 1933) accepted as Oropsylla bruneri (Baker, 1895) (basis of record)
Aethopsylla segregatus (Wagner, 1930) accepted as Oropsylla silantiewi (Wagner, 1898) (basis of record)
Aethopsylla septentrionalis (Stewart & Holland, 1940) accepted as Oropsylla arctomys (Baker, 1904) (basis of record)
Aethopsylla stejnegeri Jordan, 1937 accepted as Oropsylla alaskensis Baker, 1904 (basis of record)
Afristivalius afer (Rothschild, 1908) (basis of record)
Afristivalius azevedoi (Ribeiro, 1975) (basis of record)
Afristivalius cacuminis (Smit, 1958) accepted as Afristivalius afer (Rothschild, 1908) (basis of record)
Afristivalius curtiductus (Smit, 1958) (basis of record)
Afristivalius fallaciosus (Smit, 1958) (basis of record)
Afristivalius nigeriensis (Jordan, 1938) (basis of record)
Afristivalius parilis (Smit, 1958) (basis of record)
Afristivalius pirloti (Smit, 1958) (basis of record)
Afristivalius rahmi (Beaucournu, 1970) (basis of record)
Afristivalius richardi (Jordan, 1936) (basis of record)
Afristivalius sellatus (Jordan & Rothschild, 1923) (basis of record)
Afristivalius smitianus (Beaucournu, 1967) (basis of record)
Afristivalius timanus (Jordan, 1931) (basis of record)
Afristivalius torvus (Rothschild, 1908) (basis of record)
Afristivalius vancanneyti (Berteaux, 1947) (basis of record)
Agastopsylla boxi Jordan & Rothschild, 1923 (basis of record)
Agastopsylla hirsutior Traub, 1952 (basis of record)
Agastopsylla nylota Traub, 1952 (basis of record)
Agastopsylla pearsoni Traub, 1952 (basis of record)
Alaopsylla achilla De Meillon, 1947 accepted as Xenopsylla torta (Jordan & Rothschild, 1908) (basis of record)
Alaopsylla chersinus (Rothschild, 1906) accepted as Xenopsylla nubica (Rothschild, 1903) (basis of record)
Alaopsylla hawaiiensis Jordan, 1932 accepted as Xenopsylla vexabilis Jordan, 1925 (basis of record)
Alaopsylla lybica Wagner, 1933 accepted as Xenopsylla taractes Jordan & Rothschild, 1913 (basis of record)
Alaopsylla meseris (Jordan, 1936) accepted as Xenopsylla vexabilis Jordan, 1925 (basis of record)
Alaopsylla murinus (Tiraboschi, 1904) accepted as Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild, 1903) (basis of record)
Alaopsylla pachyuromyidis Glinkiewicz, 1907 accepted as Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild, 1903) (basis of record)
Alaopsylla pasiphae De Meillon, 1947 accepted as Xenopsylla eridos (Rothschild, 1904) (basis of record)
Alaopsylla philippinensis (Herzog, 1904) accepted as Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild, 1903) (basis of record)
Alaopsylla sewelli Sharif, 1930 accepted as Xenopsylla hussaini Sharif, 1930 (basis of record)
Alaopsylla tripolitanus (Fulmek, 1909) accepted as Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild, 1903) (basis of record)
Alaopsylla vigetus (Rothschild, 1909) accepted as Xenopsylla brasiliensis (Baker, 1904) (basis of record)
Alectopsylla unisetosa Mahnert, 1976 (basis of record)
Allopsylla alloides (Smit, 1977) (basis of record)
Allopsylla hetera Beaucournu & Fain, 1982 (basis of record)
Amalaraeus andersoni (Rothschild, 1908) (basis of record)
Amalaraeus arvicolae (Ioff, 1948) (basis of record)
Amalaraeus dioplesius (Peus, 1958) accepted as Amalaraeus arvicolae (Ioff, 1948) (basis of record)
Amalaraeus dissimilis (Jordan, 1938) (basis of record)
Amalaraeus dobbsi (Hubbard, 1940) (basis of record)
Amalaraeus furkotensis (Rosicky, 1955) accepted as Amalaraeus arvicolae (Ioff, 1948) (basis of record)
Amalaraeus improvisus (Ioff, 1946) (basis of record)
Amalaraeus mustelae (Wagner, 1898) accepted as Amalaraeus penicilliger (Grube, 1851) (basis of record)
Amalaraeus penicilliger (Grube, 1851) (basis of record)
Amalaraeus steineri (Peus, 1977) (basis of record)
Amaradix bitterrootensis (Dunn, 1923) (basis of record)
Amaradix euphorbi (Rothschild, 1905) (basis of record)
Amaradix isus (Jordan, 1925) accepted as Amaradix bitterrootensis (Dunn, 1923) (basis of record)
Amaradix jordani (Fox, 1939) accepted as Amaradix euphorbi (Rothschild, 1905) (basis of record)

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