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World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) (2020 version).
World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) (2020 version)
2017-03-31 15:19:35Z
2017-10-17 19:07:00Z
2021-04-19 18:43:49Z

Abadehellidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1984 † (taxonomy source)
Abadehellidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1984 † (current name source)
Acanthocotylidae Price, 1936 (taxonomy source)
Acrosiphoniaceae S. Jónsson, 1959 accepted as Ulotrichaceae Kützing, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Acrosiphoniales accepted as Ulotrichales (source of synonymy)
Acrumenidae Karling, 1980 accepted as Cicerinidae Meixner, 1928 (source of synonymy)
Allomicrocotylidae Yamaguti, 1965 accepted as Allopyragraphoridae Yamaguti, 1953 (source of synonymy)
Allopyragraphoridae Yamaguti, 1953 (taxonomy source)
Anchorophoridae Bychowsky & Nagibina, 1958 (taxonomy source)
Ancyrocephalidae Bychowsky & Nagibina, 1968 (taxonomy source)
Angiodictyidae Looss, 1902 accepted as Microscaphidiidae Looss, 1900 (source of synonymy)
Anomalinidae Cushman, 1927 (taxonomy source)
Anomalinidae Cushman, 1927 (current name source)
Anoplodiscidae Tagliani, 1912 (taxonomy source)
Archaesphaeridae Malakhova, 1956 † (taxonomy source)
Archaesphaeridae Malakhova, 1956 † (current name source)
Assulina Ehrenberg, 1872 (current name source)
Asterocyclinidae Brönnimann, 1951 † (taxonomy source)
Asterocyclinidae Brönnimann, 1951 † (current name source)
Asymmetrinidae Brotzen, 1963 † (taxonomy source)
Asymmetrinidae Brotzen, 1963 † (current name source)
Auroriidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1986 † (current name source)
Auroriidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1986 † (taxonomy source)
Austrotrillinidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1986 † (current name source)
Austrotrillinidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1986 † (taxonomy source)
Axinidae Monticelli, 1903 (taxonomy source)
Baisalinidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1986 † (additional source)
Baisalinidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1986 † (current name source)
Bicotylophoridae Amato, 1994 accepted as Discocotylidae Price, 1936 (source of synonymy)
Biokovinidae Gušić, 1977 † (current name source)
Biokovinidae Gušić, 1977 † (taxonomy source)
Biseriamminidae Chernysheva, 1941 † (taxonomy source)
Biseriamminidae Chernysheva, 1941 † (current name source)
Boreloididae Reiss, 1963 † (taxonomy source)
Boreloididae Reiss, 1963 † (current name source)
Borodinellaceae accepted as Chlorosarcinaceae Bourrelly ex Groover & Bold, 1969 (taxonomy source)
Bothitrematidae Price, 1936 (taxonomy source)
Botryococcaceae Wille, 1909 (taxonomy source)
Boultoniidae Skinner & Wilde, 1954 † (extant flag source)
Brachycladiidae Odhner, 1905 (taxonomy source)
Brachycytheridae Puri, 1954 accepted as Trachyleberididae Sylvester-Bradley, 1948 (source of synonymy)
Bradyinidae Reytlinger, 1950 † (taxonomy source)
Bradyinidae Reytlinger, 1950 † (current name source)
Bryopsidophyceae accepted as Ulvophyceae (source of synonymy)
Bubarida (extant flag source)
Bubarida (basis of record)
Bubarida (current name source)
Bubarida (habitat flag source)
Calceostomatidae Parona & Perugia, 1890 (taxonomy source)
Caligellidae Reytlinger, 1959 † (taxonomy source)
Caligellidae Reytlinger, 1959 † (current name source)
Callodistomidae Odhner, 1910 (taxonomy source)
Capsalidae Baird, 1853 (taxonomy source)
Capsalidea (basis of record)
Cassidulinitidae Saidova, 1981 † (taxonomy source)
Cassidulinitidae Saidova, 1981 † (current name source)
Cassigerinellidae Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan, 1957 † (taxonomy source)
Cassigerinellidae Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan, 1957 † (current name source)
Chaetopediaceae Skuja, 1948 accepted as Radiococcaceae Fott ex Komárek (source of synonymy)
Chapmaninidae Thalman, 1938 † (current name source)
Chapmaninidae Thalman, 1938 † (taxonomy source)
Characiaceae (taxonomy source)
Characiosiphonaceae (taxonomy source)
Charentiidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1985 † (taxonomy source)
Charentiidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1985 † (current name source)
Chimaericolidae Brinkmann, 1942 (taxonomy source)
Chimaericolidea (basis of record)
Chimaericolidea (extant flag source)
Chimaericolidea (habitat flag source)
Chimaericolidea (current name source)
Chlorangiopsidaceae accepted as Chlorangiellaceae Bourrelly ex Fott (source of synonymy)
Chlorochytriaceae (taxonomy source)
Chlorococcaceae (taxonomy source)
Chlorococcales accepted as Chlamydomonadales (source of synonymy)
Chlorocystidaceae accepted as Ulotrichaceae Kützing, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Chlorosarcinaceae Bourrelly ex Groover & Bold, 1969 (taxonomy source)
Chlorosarcinales accepted as Chlamydomonadales (source of synonymy)
Chlorosphaeraceae accepted as Chlorosarcinaceae Bourrelly ex Groover & Bold, 1969 (additional source)
Chlorotetras Gerneck, 1907 accepted as Planophila Gerneck, 1907 (source of synonymy)
Chrysothuramminidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1988 † (taxonomy source)
Chrysothuramminidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1988 † (current name source)
Codiolaceae accepted as Ulotrichaceae Kützing, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Coelastraceae accepted as Scenedesmaceae Oltmanns, 1904 (source of synonymy)
Coelodiscaceae accepted as Jaoaceae K.C. Fan, 1964 accepted as Ulvellaceae Schmidle, 1899 (source of synonymy)
Colaniellidae Fursenko, 1959 † (taxonomy source)
Colaniellidae Fursenko, 1959 † (current name source)
Coleitidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1984 † (current name source)
Coleitidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1984 † (taxonomy source)
Conorbinidae Reiss, 1963 † (taxonomy source)
Conorbinidae Reiss, 1963 † (current name source)
Conorboididae Thalmann, 1952 † (taxonomy source)
Conorboididae Thalmann, 1952 † (current name source)
Coskinolinidae Moullade, 1965 † (current name source)
Coskinolinidae Moullade, 1965 † (taxonomy source)
Cotyloplanidae Von Graff, 1896 accepted as Geoplanidae Stimpson, 1857 (source of synonymy)
Cribratinidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1964 † (current name source)
Cribratinidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1964 † (taxonomy source)
Cribrebella Gawar-Biedowa, 1989 † (current name source)
Cyclolinidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1964 † (taxonomy source)
Cyclolinidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1964 † (current name source)
 Nomenclatural status

orthographia [details]

 Nomenclatural status

orthographia [details]

 Nomenclatural status

orthographia [details]

 Nomenclatural status

orthographia [details]

 Nomenclatural status
 for Polydeca

orthographia [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Currently treated as subfamily of Cicerinidae, refer WoRMS. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Type genus is a junior homonym, replacement name is Chlorangiella De Toni, 1889. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Replacement name for Chlorangiaceae Lemmermann (latter is based on a preoccupied genus name) [details]

 Taxonomic remark

The family name Chlorangiopsidaceae must be a synonym of Chlorangiellaceae Bourrelly ex Fott since its type genus, ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Currently treated as a subfamily of Scenedesmaceae, refer WoRMS. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Authority also given as Tripathi, 1959 in some sources. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Currently treated as subfamily, refer WoRMS. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Currently treated as subfamily of Verbeekinidae, refer WoRMS. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Erroneously listed as fossil in online version of Nomenclator Zoologicus (print version is correct). [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Family and sole included genus misspelled in Parker, 1982 (correct is Melanoncidae, based on genus Melanoncus). [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Misspelling of Namibcypris. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Erroneously flagged fossil in online version of Nomenclator Zoologicus (print version is correct). [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Currently listed in WoRMS as subfamily of Mesoendothyridae. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Currently accepted as subfamily, refer WoRMS. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Misspelling of Phlyctenophora [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Spelling Potamolepiidae is technically correct based on type genus Potamolepis, however Potamolepidae is in more ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Originally as suborder (Spongillina); raised to order in Morrow & Cárdenas, 2015. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Not included in Ruggiero et al., 2015, however is in WoRMS and AlgaeBase (2017 versions) [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Name originally supplied to IRMNG as a fossil family including Protodipleurosoma, latter is presently treated ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Authority given as Dain, 1953 in WoRMS, Glaessner, 1945 in Boudagher-Fadel, 2008; latter is possibly erroneous since ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Erroneously listed as fossil in online version (only) of Nomenclator Zoologicus, correct in print version. [details]

 Taxonomic remark
 for Zoantharia

From WoRMS: Although Zoantharia Gray, 1832, has identical spelling with the supraordinal name Zoantharia de ... [details]

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