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2011-10-06 22:00:00Z

Abascantis Strand, 1928 accepted as Abascantodes Strand, 1928 (source of synonymy)
Abdella Holloway & Loftin, 1919 accepted as Paracentrobia Howard, 1897 (source of synonymy)
Abjorsenia Fischer, 1887 accepted as Moerella P. Fischer, 1887 (source of synonymy)
Ablotemus Paulsen & Smith, 2003 accepted as Pseudosymmachia Dalla Torre, 1912 (source of synonymy)
Abrana Strand, 1928 accepted as Ochotona Link, 1795 (source of synonymy)
Acantharthrus Marshall, 1939 accepted as Acanthoscelidius (source of synonymy)
Acanthia Gray, 1825 accepted as Hystrix Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Acanthilis Dumont, 1816 accepted as Carduelis Brisson, 1760 (source of synonymy)
Acanthinia Macquart, 1834 accepted as Acanthinomyia Hunter, 1901 (source of synonymy)
Acanthinium Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Trachinotus Lacepède, 1801 (source of synonymy)
Acanthisitta De Lafresnaye, 1842 (verified source for family)
Acanthium Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Hystrix Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Acanthoconia Sollas in Harmer & Shipley, 1906 † accepted as Ischadites R.I. Murchison, 1839 † (source of synonymy)
Acanthohispa Rye, 1877 accepted as Acanthodes Baly, 1864 (source of synonymy)
Acantholoma Castelnau, 1843 † accepted as Leonaspis Richter, 1917 † (source of synonymy)
Acanthoncotyle Stiles & Hassall, 1908 accepted as Hexabothrium von Nordmann in Lamarck, 1840 (source of synonymy)
Acanthonosus accepted as Acanthonotus Bloch & Schneider, 1801 accepted as Notacanthus Bloch, 1788 (source of synonymy)
Acanthophtalmus accepted as Cobitis Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Acanthopthalmus accepted as Cobitis Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Acanthotyplus Coiffait, 1964 accepted as Mesotyphlus Coiffait, 1957 (source of synonymy)
Acanthus Dumont, 1816 accepted as Carduelis Brisson, 1760 (source of synonymy)
Acanthys Des Murs, 1860 accepted as Carduelis Brisson, 1760 (source of synonymy)
Acantochiton Sacco, 1897 accepted as Acanthochitona Gray, 1821 (source of synonymy)
Acathodes Seidlitz, 1887 accepted as Agabus Leach, 1817 (source of synonymy)
Accithoe Paetel, 1875 accepted as Alcithoe H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853 (source of synonymy)
Acea Wytsman in Kirby, 1897 accepted as Pantoporia Hübner, 1819 (source of synonymy)
Acentetus Cabanis & Heine, 1863 accepted as Phaenicophaeus Stephens in Shaw, 1815 (source of synonymy)
Acephalocistis Cruveilhier, 1829 accepted as Echinococcus Rudolphi, 1801 (source of synonymy)
Acephalocyctis Braun in Bronn, 1894 accepted as Echinococcus Rudolphi, 1801 (source of synonymy)
Acephalocystus Mérat, 1821 accepted as Echinococcus Rudolphi, 1801 (source of synonymy)
Acerana Gray, 1833 accepted as Aracana Gray, 1838 (source of synonymy)
Acernia Mitchell, 1838 accepted as Gymnocephalus Bloch, 1793 (source of synonymy)
Acerus Michael, 1884 accepted as Tiphys Koch, 1837 (source of synonymy)
Achaeus Erman, 1835 accepted as Bradypus Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Achiardia Duncan, 1880 † accepted as Dachiardia Duncan, 1880 † accepted as Solenastrea Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848 (source of synonymy)
Achlys Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Alces Gray, 1821 (source of synonymy)
Achne Gregorio, 1895 accepted as Acicula Risso, 1826 (source of synonymy)
Achoeus Guérin-Méneville, 1844 accepted as Bradypus Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Achoreutes Templeton, 1843 accepted as Neanura Macgillivray, 1893 (source of synonymy)
Achylopa Whitley, 1947 accepted as Synaptura Cantor, 1849 (source of synonymy)
Achylostoma Dubini, 1850 accepted as Ancylostoma Dubini, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Acidalia Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836 accepted as Helioscopa Gistl, 1848 (verified source for family)
Acilius Rafinesque, 1815 accepted as Atyaephyra de Brito Capello, 1867 (source of synonymy)
Acinaces Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Gempylus Cuvier, 1829 (source of synonymy)
Acithoe Schaufuss, 1869 accepted as Alcithoe H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853 (source of synonymy)
Aclore Costa, 1886 accepted as Acicula Risso, 1826 (source of synonymy)
Acmaea Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Acicula Risso, 1826 (source of synonymy)
Acmea Hartmann, 1821 accepted as Acicula Risso, 1826 (source of synonymy)
Acoelius Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Adelius Haliday, 1833 (source of synonymy)
Acoetus Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Acetes H. Milne Edwards, 1830 (source of synonymy)
Acoritus Gistl, 1832 accepted as Amara Bonelli, 1810 (source of synonymy)
Acorrhynchus Verrall in Scudder, 1882 accepted as Ozirhincus Rondani, 1840 (source of synonymy)
Acridium Schrank, 1801 accepted as Psophus Fieber, 1853 (source of synonymy)
Acrites Davidson & King, 1874 † accepted as Aulonotreta Kutorga, 1848 † (source of synonymy)
Acrometopum Stål, 1853 (verified source for family)
Acropis Reider & Hahn, 1835 accepted as Hirundo Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Actella Motschoulsky, 1869 accepted as Actidium Matthews, 1868 (source of synonymy)
Acthephilus Reitter, 1900 accepted as Harpalus Latreille, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Actinotrix Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860 accepted as Discosoma Rüppell & Leuckart, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Actites Cuvier, 1817 accepted as Tringa Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Actiturus Bonaparte, 1838 accepted as Bartramia Lesson, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Actitus Baker, 1835 accepted as Tringa Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Actobia Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Actebia Stephens, 1829 (source of synonymy)
Actomys Desmarest, 1829 accepted as Marmota Blumenbach, 1779 (source of synonymy)
Actophilus Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Harpalus Latreille, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Acuania C.E.O. Kuntze, 1891 accepted as Desmanthus Willdenow, 1806 (source of synonymy)
Acura Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Schistura McClelland, 1838 (source of synonymy)
Acusmonss B.V. Skvortzov, 1969 accepted as Astasia Dujardin, 1841 (source of synonymy)
Acyonium Lamarck, 1815 accepted as Tethya Lamarck, 1815 (source of synonymy)
Adelostela Ganglbauer, 1883 accepted as Dryocora Pascoe, 1868 (source of synonymy)
Ademonia Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Galeruca Geoffroy, 1762 (source of synonymy)
Adjidaumus Trouessart, 1904 † accepted as Eomys Schlosser, 1884 † (source of synonymy)
Adocima Murray, 1864 accepted as Adocinus Murray, 1864 (source of synonymy)
Adontacantha Motschoulsky, 1850 accepted as Odacantha Paykull, 1798 (source of synonymy)
Aechmetes Jacobson, 1907 accepted as Laemostenus Bonelli, 1810 (source of synonymy)
Aedemosyne Reichenbach, 1862 accepted as Neochmia Gray, 1849 (source of synonymy)
Aedon Forster, 1817 accepted as Aedonis Morris, 1837 (source of synonymy)
Aedonopsis Rey, 1872 accepted as Aedonops Brehm in Baedeker, 1863 (source of synonymy)
Aegagrophila Bowerbank, 1882 accepted as Mycale Gray, 1867 (source of synonymy)
Aegagropila Topsent, 1888 accepted as Mycale Gray, 1867 (source of synonymy)
Aegeon Risso in Kinahan, 1862 accepted as Aegaeon Agassiz, 1846 [in Agassiz, 1842-1846] (source of synonymy)
Aegeria Latreille, 1817 accepted as Phalangipus Latreille, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Aegocera Berthold in Latreille, 1827 † accepted as Hippotragus Sundevall, 1845 (source of synonymy)
Aegoceras Waagen in Benecke, 1869 † accepted as Angulaticeras Quenstedt, 1883 † (verified source for family)
Aegoceros Wagner in Schreber, 1844 † accepted as Hippotragus Sundevall, 1845 (source of synonymy)
Aegocerus Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Capra Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Aegocoerus Gervais, 1859 † accepted as Hippotragus Sundevall, 1845 (source of synonymy)
Aegyrus Paetel, 1875 accepted as Aegires Lovén, 1844 (source of synonymy)
Aellurina Trouessart, 1885 accepted as Prionailurus Sewertzow, 1858 (source of synonymy)
Aelurina Gill, 1872 accepted as Prionailurus Sewertzow, 1858 (source of synonymy)
Aeluropus Milne-Edwards, 1871 accepted as Ailuropoda Milne-Edwards, 1870 (source of synonymy)
Aemathion Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Nematodes Berthold in Latreille, 1827 (source of synonymy)
Aenanthe Vieillot, 1816 accepted as Oenanthe Vieillot, 1816 (source of synonymy)
Aeolis Oken, 1815 accepted as Aeolidia Cuvier, 1798 (source of synonymy)
Aeolothynnus Ashmead, 1903 (verified source for family)
Aeosciurus Elera, 1895 accepted as Ratufa Gray, 1867 (source of synonymy)
Aerenaea Dejean, 1835 accepted as Aerenea Thomson, 1857 (verified source for family)
Aeronica Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Aerenica Dejean, 1835 (source of synonymy)
Aesurus Rafinesque, 1815 accepted as Potos Geoffroy & Cuvier, 1795 (source of synonymy)
Aethon Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Diphucrania Dejean, 1833 (source of synonymy)

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