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IRMNG source details

SN2000/Monroe Jr. & Sibley, 1993
2011-10-06 22:00:00Z

Abeillia Bonaparte, 1850 (basis of record)
Abeillia Bonaparte, 1850 (extant flag source)
Abroscopus Baker, 1930 (extant flag source)
Abroscopus Baker, 1930 (basis of record)
Aburria Reichenbach, 1852 (basis of record)
Aburria Reichenbach, 1852 (extant flag source)
Acanthagenys Gould, 1838 (basis of record)
Acanthagenys Gould, 1838 (extant flag source)
Acanthidops Ridgway, 1882 (basis of record)
Acanthidops Ridgway, 1882 (extant flag source)
Acanthisitta Gray, 1842 (basis of record)
Acanthisitta Gray, 1842 (extant flag source)
Acanthiza Vigors & Horsfield, 1826 (basis of record)
Acanthiza Vigors & Horsfield, 1826 (extant flag source)
Acanthorhynchus Gould, 1837 (basis of record)
Acanthorhynchus Gould, 1837 (extant flag source)
Acanthornis Legge, 1888 (extant flag source)
Acanthornis Legge, 1888 (basis of record)
Accipiter Brisson, 1760 (basis of record)
Aceros Hodgson, 1844 (basis of record)
Aceros Hodgson, 1844 (extant flag source)
Acestrura Gould, 1861 (basis of record)
Acestrura Gould, 1861 (extant flag source)
Achaetops Roberts, 1922 (basis of record)
Achaetops Roberts, 1922 (extant flag source)
Acridotheres Vieillot, 1816 (basis of record)
Acridotheres Vieillot, 1816 (extant flag source)
Acrocephalus Naumann, 1811 (basis of record)
Acrocephalus Naumann, 1811 (extant flag source)
Acropternis Cabanis & Heine, 1860 (extant flag source)
Acropternis Cabanis & Heine, 1860 (basis of record)
Acryllium Gray, 1840 (basis of record)
Actenoides Gray, 1848 (basis of record)
Actenoides Gray, 1848 (extant flag source)
Actinodura Gould, 1836 (basis of record)
Actinodura Gould, 1836 (extant flag source)
Actophilornis Oberholser, 1925 (extant flag source)
Actophilornis Oberholser, 1925 (basis of record)
Adelomyia Bonaparte, 1854 (basis of record)
Adelomyia Bonaparte, 1854 (extant flag source)
Aechmophorus Coues, 1862 (extant flag source)
Aechmophorus Coues, 1862 (basis of record)
Aegithalos Hermann, 1804 (basis of record)
Aegithalos Hermann, 1804 (extant flag source)
Aegithina Vieillot, 1816 (extant flag source)
Aegithina Vieillot, 1816 (basis of record)
Aegolius Kaup, 1829 (extant flag source)
Aegolius Kaup, 1829 (basis of record)
Aegotheles Vigors & Horsfield, 1826 (extant flag source)
Aegotheles Vigors & Horsfield, 1826 (basis of record)
Aegypius Savigny, 1809 (basis of record)
Aegypius Savigny, 1809 (extant flag source)
Aenigomatolimnas accepted as Aenigmatolimnas Peters, 1933 (basis of record)
Aenigomatolimnas accepted as Aenigmatolimnas Peters, 1933 (extant flag source)
Aepypodius Oustalet, 1880 (extant flag source)
Aepypodius Oustalet, 1880 (basis of record)
Aeronautes Hartert, 1892 (extant flag source)
Aeronautes Hartert, 1892 (basis of record)
Aethia Merrem, 1788 (basis of record)
Aethopyga Cabanis, 1851 (basis of record)
Aethopyga Cabanis, 1851 (extant flag source)
Afropavo Chapin, 1936 (basis of record)
Afropavo Chapin, 1936 (extant flag source)
Agamia Reichenbach, 1852 (extant flag source)
Agamia Reichenbach, 1852 (basis of record)
Agapornis Selby, 1836 (basis of record)
Agapornis Selby, 1836 (extant flag source)
Agelaius Vieillot, 1816 (basis of record)
Agelastes Bonaparte, 1850 (extant flag source)
Agelastes Bonaparte, 1850 (basis of record)
Aglaeactis Gould, 1848 (extant flag source)
Aglaeactis Gould, 1848 (basis of record)
Aglaiocercus Zimmer, 1930 (basis of record)
Aglaiocercus Zimmer, 1930 (extant flag source)
Agriocharis Chapman, 1896 (extant flag source)
Agriocharis Chapman, 1896 (basis of record)
Agriornis Gould, 1839 (basis of record)
Agriornis Gould, 1839 (extant flag source)
Ailuroedus Cabanis in Cabanis & Heine, 1851 (extant flag source)
Ailuroedus Cabanis in Cabanis & Heine, 1851 (basis of record)
Aimophila Swainson, 1837 (basis of record)
Aimophila Swainson, 1837 (extant flag source)
Aix Boie, 1828 (basis of record)
Aix Boie, 1828 (extant flag source)
Ajaia Reichenbach, 1852 (extant flag source)
Ajaia Reichenbach, 1852 (basis of record)
Alaemon Keyserling & Blasius, 1840 (basis of record)
Alaemon Keyserling & Blasius, 1840 (extant flag source)
Alauda Linnaeus, 1758 (basis of record)
Alauda Linnaeus, 1758 (extant flag source)
Alca Linnaeus, 1758 (basis of record)
Alcedo Linnaeus, 1758 (extant flag source)
Alcedo Linnaeus, 1758 (basis of record)
Alcippe Blyth, 1844 (extant flag source)
Alcippe Blyth, 1844 (basis of record)
Aleadryas Iredale, 1956 (basis of record)
Aleadryas Iredale, 1956 (extant flag source)
Alectoris Kaup, 1829 (extant flag source)
Alectoris Kaup, 1829 (basis of record)
Alectroenas Gray, 1840 (extant flag source)

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