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Museum Victoria KEmu database (Oct 2006)/Aphia
2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
Rees, Tony
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Taxa (5 089)
Aaptos adriatica
Gray, 1867
accepted as
Aaptos aaptos
(Schmidt, 1864)
(basis of record)
Aaptos niger
Hoshino, 1981
(basis of record)
Abatus ingens
Koehler, 1926
(basis of record)
Abatus nimrodi
(Koehler, 1911)
(basis of record)
Abatus philippii
Lovén, 1871
(basis of record)
Abra intermedia
accepted as
Abra nitida
(O.F. Müller, 1776)
(basis of record)
Acanthascus grossularia
Schulze, 1886
accepted as
Rossella antarctica
Carter, 1872
(basis of record)
Acanthaster brevispinus
Fisher, 1917
(basis of record)
Acanthella aurantiaca
Keller, 1889
accepted as
Stylissa carteri
(Dendy, 1889)
(basis of record)
Acanthella cactiformis
Carter, 1885
accepted as
Rhaphoxya cactiformis
(Carter, 1885)
(basis of record)
Acanthella carteri
Dendy, 1889
accepted as
Stylissa carteri
(Dendy, 1889)
(basis of record)
Acanthella cavernosa
Dendy, 1922
(basis of record)
Acanthella costata
Kieschnick, 1900
(basis of record)
Acanthella hirciniopsis
Carter, 1885
accepted as
Rhaphoxya cactiformis
(Carter, 1885)
(basis of record)
Acanthella inflexa
(Pulitzer-Finali, 1982)
(basis of record)
Acanthella klethra
Pulitzer-Finali, 1982
accepted as
Acanthella cavernosa
Dendy, 1922
(basis of record)
Acanthella pulcherrima
Ridley & Dendy, 1886
(basis of record)
Acanthella stipitata
Carter, 1881
accepted as
Phakellia stipitata
(Carter, 1881)
(basis of record)
Acanthella tenuispiculata
Dendy, 1897
(basis of record)
Acanthellina parviconulata
Carter, 1885
accepted as
Rhaphoxya cactiformis
(Carter, 1885)
(basis of record)
Acanthellina rugolineata
Carter, 1885
accepted as
Rhaphoxya cactiformis
(Carter, 1885)
(basis of record)
Acanthephyra smithi
Kemp, 1939
(basis of record)
Acanthephyra tenuipes
(Spence Bate, 1888)
(basis of record)
Acanthochaetetes wellsi
Hartman & Goreau, 1975
(basis of record)
Acanthochites aberrans
Odhner, 1919
accepted as
Acanthochitona aberrans
(Odhner, 1919)
(basis of record)
Acanthocidaris curvatispinis
(Bell, 1892)
(basis of record)
Acanthopleura gemmata
(Blainville, 1825)
(basis of record)
Acanthopleura spinosa
(Bruguière, 1792)
accepted as
Acanthopleura gemmata
(Blainville, 1825)
(basis of record)
Acanthorhabdus fragilis
Burton, 1929
(basis of record)
Acanthosquilla derijardi
Manning, 1970
(basis of record)
Acanthostrongylophora ashmorica
Hooper, 1984
(basis of record)
Acanthoxa werthi
Hentschel, 1914
accepted as
Spanioplon werthi
(Hentschel, 1914)
(basis of record)
Acanthoxifer ceylonensis
Dendy, 1905
accepted as
Myrmekioderma granulatum
(Esper, 1794)
(basis of record)
Acanthoxifer fourmanoiri
Lévi, 1956
accepted as
Myrmekioderma granulatum
(Esper, 1794)
(basis of record)
Acar plicata
(Dillwyn, 1817)
accepted as
Arca plicata
Chemnitz, 1795
(basis of record)
Acarnus bergquistae
van Soest, Hooper & Hiemstra, 1991
(basis of record)
Acarnus hoshinoi
van Soest, Hooper & Hiemstra, 1991
(basis of record)
Acarnus tenuis
Dendy, 1896
(basis of record)
Acarnus ternatus
Ridley, 1884
(basis of record)
Acarnus thielei
Lévi, 1958
(basis of record)
Acarnus wolffgangi
Keller, 1889
(basis of record)
Acartia fossae
Gurney, 1927
(basis of record)
Acaudina leucoprocta
(H.L. Clark, 1938)
(basis of record)
Acervochalina velinea
de Laubenfels, 1954
accepted as
Chalinula velinea
(de Laubenfels, 1954)
(basis of record)
Achaeus brevirostris
(Haswell, 1879)
(basis of record)
Achaeus lacertosus
Stimpson, 1858
(basis of record)
Achelia spicata
(Hodgson, 1915)
(basis of record)
Achinoe australis
Gray, 1867
accepted as
Plakina australis
(Gray, 1867)
(basis of record)
Achramorpha glacialis
Jenkin, 1908
(basis of record)
Acodontaster capitatus
(Koehler, 1912)
(basis of record)
Acodontaster hodgsoni
(Bell, 1908)
(basis of record)
Acropora pustulosa
(Milne Edwards & Haime)
accepted as
Acropora pharaonis
(Milne Edwards & Haime, 1860)
(basis of record)
Actaea calculosa
(H. Milne Edwards, 1834)
(basis of record)
Actaea depressa
accepted as
Forestia depressa
(White, 1848)
(basis of record)
Actaea jacquelinae
Guinot, 1976
(basis of record)
Actaea polyacantha
(Heller, 1861)
(basis of record)
Actaea savignyi
(Milne Edwards, 1834)
(basis of record)
Actaea spinosissima
Borradaile, 1902
(basis of record)
Actaea tomentosa
(H. Milne Edwards, 1834)
accepted as
Actaeodes tomentosus
(H. Milne Edwards, 1834)
(basis of record)
Actaeodes consobrinus
(A. Milne-Edwards, 1873)
(basis of record)
Actaeodes hirsutissimus
(Rüppell, 1830)
(basis of record)
Actaeodes tomentosus
(H. Milne Edwards, 1834)
(basis of record)
Actinometra distincta
Carpenter, 1888
accepted as
Comaster distinctus
(Carpenter, 1888)
(basis of record)
Actinometra maculata
Carpenter, 1888
accepted as
Comatella maculata
(Carpenter, 1888)
(basis of record)
Actinopyga banwarthi
(Panning, 1944)
(basis of record)
Actinopyga mauritiana
(Quoy & Gaimard, 1834)
(basis of record)
Actinopyga miliaris
(Quoy & Gaimard, 1834)
(basis of record)
Actinopyga obesa
(Selenka, 1867)
(basis of record)
Actinopyga serratidens
Pearson, 1903
(basis of record)
Actumnus forficigerus
(Stimpson, 1858)
(basis of record)
Actumnus laevigatus
Rathbun, 1911
(basis of record)
Actumnus setifer
(De Haan, 1835)
(basis of record)
Adacnarca nitens
Pelseneer, 1903
(basis of record)
Adamussium colbecki
(E.A. Smith, 1902)
(basis of record)
Adelascopora jeqolqa
Moyano, 1989
(basis of record)
Adocia venustina
Bergquist, 1961
accepted as
Haliclona venustina
(Bergquist, 1961)
(basis of record)
Aegaeon cataphractus
(Olivi, 1792)
(basis of record)
Aegialonemertes chlorophthalma
Gibson, 1990
(basis of record)
Aenigmanemertes norenburgi
Sundberg & Gibson, 1995
(basis of record)
Aetheorhynchus actites
Gibson, 1981
(basis of record)
Aforia multispiralis
Dell, 1990
(basis of record)
Afromysis australiensis
W. Tattersall, 1940
accepted as
Doxomysis australiensis
(W. Tattersall, 1940)
(basis of record)
Agelas axifera
Hentschel, 1911
(basis of record)
Agelas cavernosa
Thiele, 1903
(basis of record)
Agelas mauritiana
(Carter, 1883)
(basis of record)
Agnesia glaciata
Michaelsen, 1898
accepted as
Agnezia glaciata
Michaelsen, 1898
(basis of record)
Aimulosia antarctica
(Powell, 1967)
(basis of record)
Aka mucosa
(Bergquist, 1965)
(basis of record)
Aka paratypica
Fromont, 1993
(basis of record)
Akera soluta
(Gmelin, 1791)
(basis of record)
Akibumia orientalis
(Schepman, 1909)
(basis of record)
Alcyoncellum gelatinosum
Blainville, 1834
accepted as
Sycon gelatinosum
(Blainville, 1834)
(basis of record)
Alcyonium aurantium
Pallas, 1766
accepted as
Tethya aurantium
(Pallas, 1766)
(basis of record)
Alcyonium boletus
Lamarck, 1815
accepted as
Thorectandra boletus
(Lamarck, 1815)
(basis of record)
Alcyonium cuspidiferum
Lamarck, 1815
accepted as
Cervicornia cuspidifera
(Lamarck, 1815)
(basis of record)
Alcyonium epiphytum
Lamarck, 1815
accepted as
Protosuberites epiphytum
(Lamarck, 1815)
(basis of record)
Alcyonium granulatum
Esper, 1794
accepted as
Myrmekioderma granulatum
(Esper, 1794)
(basis of record)
Alcyonium opuntioides
Lamarck, 1815
accepted as
Antho opuntioides
(Lamarck, 1815)
(basis of record)
Alebion proximum
Ridley, 1881
accepted as
Iophon proximum
(Ridley, 1881)
(basis of record)
Alecto flagellata
Müller, 1841
accepted as
Dichrometra flagellata
(Müller, 1841)
(basis of record)
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