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Bouchard, P.; Bousquet, Y.; Davies, A.; Alonso-Zarazaga, M.; Lawrence, J.; Lyal, C.; Newton, A.; Reid, C.; Schmitt, M.; Slipinski, A.; Smith, A. (2011). Family-group names in Coleoptera (Insecta). ZooKeys. 88: 1-972.
10.3897/zookeys.88.807 [view]
Bouchard, P.; Bousquet, Y.; Davies, A.; Alonso-Zarazaga, M.; Lawrence, J.; Lyal, C.; Newton, A.; Reid, C.; Schmitt, M.; Slipinski, A.; Smith, A.
Family-group names in Coleoptera (Insecta)
88: 1-972
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
2016-08-12 22:53:27Z
2017-04-25 07:48:25Z

Acanthocnemidae Crowson, 1964 (current name source)
Aclopidae Blanchard, 1850 accepted as Scarabaeidae Latreille, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Aculagnathidae Oke, 1932 accepted as Cerylonidae Billberg, 1820 (source of synonymy)
Ademosynidae Ponomarenko, 1968 † (current name source)
Aderidae Csiki, 1909 (current name source)
Aegialiidae Laporte, 1840 accepted as Scarabaeidae Latreille, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Aegialitidae LeConte, 1862 accepted as Salpingidae Leach, 1815 (source of synonymy)
Agapythidae Sen Gupta & Crowson, 1969 (extant flag source)
Agapythidae Sen Gupta & Crowson, 1969 (current name source)
Aglycyderidae Wollaston, 1864 accepted as Belidae Schönherr, 1826 (source of synonymy)
Agyrtidae Thomson, 1859 (current name source)
Akalyptoischiidae Lord, Hartley, Lawrence, McHugh & Miller, 2010 (extant flag source)
Akalyptoischiidae Lord, Hartley, Lawrence, McHugh & Miller, 2010 (current name source)
Alexiidae Imhoff, 1856 (current name source)
Alexiidae Imhoff, 1856 (extant flag source)
Amphizoidae LeConte, 1853 (current name source)
Anischiidae Fleutiaux, 1936 accepted as Eucnemidae Eschscholtz, 1829 (extant flag source)
Anischiidae Fleutiaux, 1936 accepted as Eucnemidae Eschscholtz, 1829 (source of synonymy)
Anisotomidae Erichson, 1845 accepted as Leiodidae Fleming, 1821 (source of synonymy)
Anobiidae Fleming, 1821 accepted as Ptinidae Latreille, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Anthicidae Latreille, 1819 (current name source)
Anthribidae Billberg, 1820 (current name source)
Aphodiidae Leach, 1815 accepted as Scarabaeidae Latreille, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Apionidae Schönherr, 1823 accepted as Brentidae Billberg, 1820 (source of synonymy)
Archeocrypticidae Kaszab, 1964 (current name source)
Artematopodidae Lacordaire, 1857 (current name source)
Asiocoleidae Rohdendorf, 1961 † (current name source)
Aspidiphoridae Kiesenwetter, 1877 accepted as Sphindidae Jacquelin du Val, 1860 (source of synonymy)
Aspidytidae Ribera, Beutel, Balke & Vogler, 2002 (current name source)
Atomaridae LeConte, 1861 accepted as Cryptophagidae Kirby, 1837 (extant flag source)
Atomaridae LeConte, 1861 accepted as Cryptophagidae Kirby, 1837 (source of synonymy)
Atopidae Laporte de Castelnau, 1834 accepted as Dascillidae Guérin-Méneville, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Atractoceridae Laporte de Castelnau, 1840 accepted as Lymexylidae Fleming, 1821 (source of synonymy)
Attalomimidae Majer, 1995 accepted as Melyridae Leach, 1815 (source of synonymy)
Attelabidae Billberg, 1820 (current name source)
Aulonocnemidae Janssens, 1946 accepted as Scarabaeidae Latreille, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Belidae Schönherr, 1826 (current name source)
Belohinidae Paulian, 1959 (extant flag source)
Belohinidae Paulian, 1959 (current name source)
Berendtimiridae Winkler, 1987 † (current name source)
Berendtimiridae Winkler, 1987 † (extant flag source)
Biophloeus Dejean, 1835 accepted as Pediacus Shuckard, 1839 (status source)
Biphyllidae LeConte, 1861 (current name source)
Boganiidae Sen Gupta & Crowson, 1966 (current name source)
Bolboceratidae Mulsant, 1842 (current name source)
Boridae Thomson, 1859 (current name source)
Bostrichidae Latreille, 1802 (current name source)
Bothrideridae Erichson, 1845 (current name source)
Brachyceridae Billberg, 1820 (current name source)
Brachyceridae Billberg, 1820 (extant flag source)
Brachypsectridae LeConte & Horn, 1883 (current name source)
Brachypteridae Erichson, 1845 accepted as Kateretidae Kirby, 1837 (source of synonymy)
Brentidae Billberg, 1820 (current name source)
Brochocoleidae Hong, 1982 † accepted as Ommatidae Sharp & Muir, 1912 (source of synonymy)
Bruchelidae accepted as Anthribidae Billberg, 1820 (source of synonymy)
Bruchidae Latreille, 1802 accepted as Chrysomelidae Latreille, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Buprestidae Leach, 1815 (current name source)
Byrrhidae Latreille, 1804 (current name source)
Byturidae Gistel, 1848 (current name source)
Callirhipidae van Emden, 1924 (current name source)
Callirrhipidae van Emden, 1924 accepted as Callirhipidae van Emden, 1924 (source of synonymy)
Cantharidae Imhoff, 1856 (current name source)
Carabidae Latreille, 1802 (current name source)
Cassididae Gyllenhal, 1813 accepted as Chrysomelidae Latreille, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Catheretidae Erichson, 1843 accepted as Kateretidae Kirby, 1837 (source of synonymy)
Catheretidae Erichson, 1843 accepted as Kateretidae Kirby, 1837 (basis of record)
Catiniidae Ponomarenko, 1968 † (additional source)
Catogenidae Grouvelle, 1916 accepted as Passandridae Erichson, 1845 (source of synonymy)
Catopidae Chaudoir, 1845 accepted as Leiodidae Fleming, 1821 (source of synonymy)
Catopochrotidae Reitter, 1889 accepted as Cryptophagidae Kirby, 1837 (source of synonymy)
Cavognathidae Sen Gupta & Crowson, 1966 (current name source)
Cebrionidae Latreille, 1802 accepted as Elateridae Leach, 1815 (source of synonymy)
Cephaloidae LeConte, 1862 accepted as Stenotrachelidae Thomson, 1859 (source of synonymy)
Cerambycidae Latreille, 1802 (current name source)
Cerasommatidiidae Brèthes, 1925 accepted as Endomychidae Leach, 1815 (source of synonymy)
Ceratocanthidae Martínez, 1968 accepted as Hybosoridae Erichson, 1847 (source of synonymy)
Cerophytidae Latreille, 1834 (current name source)
Cerylonidae Billberg, 1820 (current name source)
Cetoniidae Leach, 1815 accepted as Scarabaeidae Latreille, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Chaetocanthidae Scholtz, 1988 accepted as Ochodaeidae Mulsant & Rey, 1871 (source of synonymy)
Chaetosomatidae Crowson, 1952 (current name source)
Chalcodryidae Watt, 1974 (current name source)
Chelonariidae Blanchard, 1845 (current name source)
Chiloeidae Dajoz, 1973 accepted as Dryopidae Billberg, 1820 (source of synonymy)
Cholevidae Kirby, 1837 accepted as Leiodidae Fleming, 1821 (source of synonymy)
Chrysomelidae Latreille, 1802 (current name source)
Cicindelidae Latreille, 1802 (name verified source)
Ciidae Leach, 1819 (current name source)
Circaeidae Iablkov-Khnzorian, 1961 † accepted as Aderidae Csiki, 1909 (source of synonymy)
Cisidae Leach, 1819 accepted as Ciidae Leach, 1819 (source of synonymy)
Clambidae Fischer von Waldheim, 1821 (current name source)
Cleridae Latreille, 1802 (current name source)
Cneoglossidae Champion, 1897 (current name source)
Coccinellidae Latreille, 1807 (current name source)
Colonidae Horn, 1880 accepted as Leiodidae Fleming, 1821 (source of synonymy)
Colydiidae Erichson, 1842 accepted as Zopheridae Solier, 1834 (source of synonymy)
Colymbotethidae Ponomarenko, 1994 † (current name source)
Colymbotethidae Ponomarenko, 1994 † (extant flag source)
Coniporidae Thomson, 1859 accepted as Sphindidae Jacquelin du Val, 1860 (source of synonymy)
Cononotidae LeConte, 1862 accepted as Pyrochroidae Latreille, 1807 (source of synonymy)
 Taxonomic remark

Pachypus Dejean, 1821 is a nomen protectum [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Nomen oblitum vs. Pachypus Dejean, 1821 [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Pachypus Billberg 1820 is nomen oblitum. [details]

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