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IRMNG source details

SN2000/Hartmann-Schröder, 1996
2011-10-06 22:00:00Z

Abyssoninoe Orensanz, 1990 (basis of record)
Abyssoninoe Orensanz, 1990 (extant flag source)
Acanthicolepis McIntosh, 1900 (extant flag source)
Acanthicolepis McIntosh, 1900 (basis of record)
Aglaophamus Kinberg, 1865 (extant flag source)
Aglaophamus Kinberg, 1865 (basis of record)
Alciopa Audouin & Milne-Edwards, 1833 (extant flag source)
Alciopa Audouin & Milne-Edwards, 1833 (basis of record)
Alentia Malmgren, 1866 (basis of record)
Alentia Malmgren, 1866 (extant flag source)
Alkmaria Horst, 1919 (extant flag source)
Alkmaria Horst, 1919 (basis of record)
Amaeana Hartman, 1959 (extant flag source)
Amaeana Hartman, 1959 (basis of record)
Amage Malmgren, 1866 (extant flag source)
Amage Malmgren, 1866 (basis of record)
Amblyosyllis Grube, 1857 (extant flag source)
Amblyosyllis Grube, 1857 (basis of record)
Ampharete Malmgren, 1866 (basis of record)
Ampharete Malmgren, 1866 (extant flag source)
Amphicteis Grube, 1850 (basis of record)
Amphicteis Grube, 1850 (extant flag source)
Amphiglena Claparède, 1864 (extant flag source)
Amphiglena Claparède, 1864 (basis of record)
Amphitrite Müller, 1771 (basis of record)
Amphitrite Müller, 1771 (extant flag source)
Amphitritides Augener, 1922 (basis of record)
Amphitritides Augener, 1922 (extant flag source)
Amythasides Eliason, 1955 (basis of record)
Amythasides Eliason, 1955 (extant flag source)
Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884 (basis of record)
Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884 (extant flag source)
Aonides Claparède, 1864 (extant flag source)
Aonides Claparède, 1864 (basis of record)
Aphelochaeta Blake, 1991 (extant flag source)
Aphelochaeta Blake, 1991 (basis of record)
Aphropharynx Wilfert, 1974 (basis of record)
Aphropharynx Wilfert, 1974 (extant flag source)
Apistobranchus Levinsen, 1883 (extant flag source)
Apistobranchus Levinsen, 1883 (basis of record)
Arenotrocha Westheide & von Nordheim, 1985 (extant flag source)
Arenotrocha Westheide & von Nordheim, 1985 (basis of record)
Artacama Malmgren, 1866 (basis of record)
Artacama Malmgren, 1866 (extant flag source)
Austrolaenilla Bergström, 1916 (basis of record)
Austrolaenilla Bergström, 1916 (extant flag source)
Autolytus Grube, 1850 accepted as Myrianida Milne Edwards, 1845 (basis of record)
Autolytus Grube, 1850 accepted as Myrianida Milne Edwards, 1845 (extant flag source)
Axionice Malmgren, 1866 (basis of record)
Axionice Malmgren, 1866 (extant flag source)
Bathychaetus Faubel, 1978 accepted as Psammoriedlia Kirsteuer, 1966 (extant flag source)
Bathychaetus Faubel, 1978 accepted as Psammoriedlia Kirsteuer, 1966 (basis of record)
Bispira Krøyer, 1856 (extant flag source)
Bispira Krøyer, 1856 (basis of record)
Brada Stimpson, 1854 (extant flag source)
Brada Stimpson, 1854 (basis of record)
Branchiomma Kölliker, 1858 (basis of record)
Branchiomma Kölliker, 1858 (extant flag source)
Brania Quatrefages, 1866 (extant flag source)
Brania Quatrefages, 1866 (basis of record)
Calamyzas Arwidsson, 1932 (extant flag source)
Calamyzas Arwidsson, 1932 (basis of record)
Caulleriella Chamberlin, 1919 (extant flag source)
Caulleriella Chamberlin, 1919 (basis of record)
Ceratocephale Malmgren, 1867 (basis of record)
Ceratocephale Malmgren, 1867 (extant flag source)
Chaetoparia Malmgren, 1867 (extant flag source)
Chaetoparia Malmgren, 1867 (basis of record)
Chaetopterus Cuvier, 1830 (basis of record)
Chaetopterus Cuvier, 1830 (extant flag source)
Chaetozone Malmgren, 1867 (extant flag source)
Chaetozone Malmgren, 1867 (basis of record)
Chitinopoma Levinsen, 1884 (basis of record)
Chitinopoma Levinsen, 1884 (extant flag source)
Chone Krøyer, 1856 (extant flag source)
Chone Krøyer, 1856 (basis of record)
Circeis Saint-Joseph, 1894 (basis of record)
Cirratulus Lamarck, 1818 (basis of record)
Cirratulus Lamarck, 1818 (extant flag source)
Cirriformia Hartman, 1936 (extant flag source)
Cirriformia Hartman, 1936 (basis of record)
Clymenura Verrill, 1900 (basis of record)
Clymenura Verrill, 1900 (extant flag source)
Commensodorum Fauchald, 1974 (basis of record)
Commensodorum Fauchald, 1974 (extant flag source)
Ctenodrilus Claparède, 1863 (basis of record)
Ctenodrilus Claparède, 1863 (extant flag source)
Diplaconotum Loshamn, 1981 (extant flag source)
Diplaconotum Loshamn, 1981 (basis of record)
Diplocirrus Haase, 1915 (extant flag source)
Diplocirrus Haase, 1915 (basis of record)
Ditrupa Berkeley, 1835 (basis of record)
Diurodrilus Remane, 1925 (extant flag source)
Diurodrilus Remane, 1925 (basis of record)
Dodecaceria Örsted, 1843 (basis of record)
Dorvillea Parfitt, 1866 (basis of record)
Drilonereis Claparède, 1870 (basis of record)
Dysponetus Levinsen, 1879 (basis of record)
Dysponetus Levinsen, 1879 (extant flag source)
Eclysippe Eliason, 1955 (basis of record)

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